
Nights like tonight make you remember why we all fell in love with sports. No connection to Miami or Jose Fernandez but the Dee Gordon homer drove me to absolute tears. Maybe there is a greater place beyond this earth. Thank you Dee and the Marlins for reminding me.

Title Nein

Thank you for putting this more eloquently than I could have. I don’t understand folks’ impulse to lash out at this woman, and deride her for “forcing” someone to marry her. It’s a very simplistic view, and also an unkind thing to say.

This is some dumb-ass, straight people shit.

“Social Security benefits are another thing we’re letting go of - but to us, its worth it.”

Getting married may not be very important to him, but I am.

You’re obviously not in the same place her husband was. He didn’t seem to outright reject the entire notion of marriage, he was just eh about the prospect of doing it. But he decided her strong need was more important than that. That was HIS decision.

Hope she never needs to make an end-of-life decision for you in the hospital. Or rather, she may not be able to, because you don’t have “a piece of paper” giving her the authority to make those decisions on your behalf. What happens to your property if one of you dies? Who gets your life insurance? What about

But the article is all about the emotional and personal consequences of prostitution, sorry you have to have the implications of a story spelled out for you.

Compromise doesn’t necessarily consist in the specific moment or instance. You might compromise - concede, sure - over here; you partner does it over there. In each instance it might be a concession, but taken over the course of a relationship it’s a cycle of compromise. I let this go, you let that go. If she’d given

Marriage isn’t “just a fucking word”. It’s a legal status with fairly extensive implications in healthcare, tax, child custody, inheritance, property ownership, civil and criminal legal cases, pensions etc. Marriage doesn’t protect spouses from cheating or leaving, sure, but that’s a massively different thing from

The French version of this caption is amazing. It has so many subtle burns in it, I’m in love. I learned French because of the whole “language of love” thing but I think I actually love it because it’s the Language of Shade.

Au revoir, bitches

Apropos of nothing in particular...Isn’t it delicious how the noun ‘haters’ is now a part of respectable speak? As a class of persons their existence is now beyond dispute.

Stealing this idea.

I really like this idea. I’m fluent in French and the most I regularly do with it in the US is when I’m trying to get out of a conversation with a stranger. Can’t chit chat if I don’t speak English!

à tous les haters, trolls et consorts

If “being puritanical” means not being okay with an adult sexting a 15-year-old, not to mention doing it while in bed with his son, then I am proud to be puritanical.

What? Wiener has access to enough resources & friends with money that if he was interested in being rehabilitated, I am sure he would have been in treatment long ago. Since he clearly cannot control himself, then, yes, he needs to be removed from society for a while. If he has broken any laws, then he deserves to go