Same here. I was creeped out a few years ago when he sent that dick pic to that young woman and had to resign. It looks like that behavior has only escalated in the past year or two.
Same here. I was creeped out a few years ago when he sent that dick pic to that young woman and had to resign. It looks like that behavior has only escalated in the past year or two.
Thank you. Also I think too many people fail to see how such porous boundaries, to use your excellent phrase, can leave children vulnerable to grooming. Talk to any number of people who are survivors of CSA and many will tell you that their own abuse started with little things meant to push their boundaries and to…
No, I don’t think this has anything to do with Huma or the Clintons. I think this has everything to do with him just being a straight up creepy gross dude. Lots of dudes are.
I said it then, I’ll say it now:
Yup, he’s clearly demonstrated he’s capable of learning his lesson and changing his ways. Pillar of the community!
Way back another commenter said that his personal life had nothing to do with his politics and that when he was in office he did alot of great, progressive things. As if doing those things negates being a predator.
Hahahahaha spoken like someone who wasn’t a teenage girl in the early days of AOL chat. Trust, plenty of dudes are happy to creep on fifteen year olds with no additional secret conspiracy necessary. Sadly.
I regret that I have only but one star to give. Fucking PREACH.
The Ruins is a terrifying film and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys the sense of unease and dread in an unfamiliar place.
My brother died of a heroin overdose last year: you can imagine how seeing this image plastered all over the place has been the past couple weeks has felt (literally, I know there are a million people in my shoes). And the reasoning is SUCH bullshit. Because you know what? 9 times out of 10 heroin users already…
Heh, I never expected much subtlety from Italian splatter. ^^ I was much younger when I saw it, and that toying with the viewer’s sympathies worked *perfectly* on me, so I’ll give em that. By film’s end I sure wasn’t rooting for anyone. Half of me just kept watching just because the film dared me to stop. Voyeurism…
If I were in the Wyoming state legislature, I would have had a really, really hard time not doing this:
Dude, I’m a fucking single mom with a professional job. All I care about is the number, because it needs to be enough to support me AND my kid.
Go U Bears!
Yeah, it was definitely in no way innocent. The email that they sent out inviting people to the party had tequila in sarcastic quotes (like “tequila”) and made a few other thinly veiled jokes @ pc culture. The people who threw the party knew that they were doing something wrong because we had received probably…
I go to Bowdoin and I work on the student newspaper, and I’m honestly so fucking tired of journalists like Lionel Shriver completely mis-reporting the facts of the tequila party. There was a decently complex lead-up to the tequila party that led to the students being so roundly punished, which obviously she totally…
There’s probably some metal cover of Mickey out there. He could use that. He should just keep coming up with less and less appropriate songs until the UFC gives in. I’m thinking the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald would be a good one to start with.
Very true. One thing that gets lost in this is that Hillary is one of the first few Secretaries of State that had to really deal with email being commonly used, let alone being the main form of communication.
Ummm no. By “wanting to bring the State Department along” what she meant was “along with her nefarious plan to do all the bad things, lie, and have diseases without the public’s express approval.” Obviously.