
I’ll do my best to remember that. 

Arkansas resident here that can’t upvote this enough. I live in a little blue pocket in this overwhelmingly red state, and I’m disgusted by the things I’m seeing here. And it’s only going to get worse since Sarah Hucklebee is the favorite to win the Governor’s seat next year. But what am I going to do, transfer jobs?

Oh my god, like, there’s so much in this post that... Like, please, do everyone a favor and don’t. If you’re not well versed in a topic, even if it bothers you, if you don’t understand how things affect the trans community, I have to ask that you inform yourself how much gender dysphoria and gender incongruence affect

Forcing trans kids to undergo the wrong puberty has been shown to lead to bad outcomes, up to and including suicide.

It’s thankless as fuck, but it’s an elected position and people often take it with an eye to higher political aspirations. They generally have zero educational experience and are just as likely to piss off teachers as they are to piss off parents. Depending on where you live, you also get a bunch of right-wing culture

Because membership in a tribe is a specific thing, controlled by tribal government, with actual criteria you have to meet. It’s not decided by family storytelling or dna tests. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying “my family always believed we were part Native” as long as you’re talking about the story

Some family members having black hair, weak beards and dark skin does not make you Indigenous...even having a far distant ancestor who was Indigenous does not give you the right to go around claiming that identity because it makes your family feel special or exotic. If you want to do things right, it’s not that hard

White people claiming indigenous backgrounds after genociding them because it got romanticized decades after the genocide is always wrong, and you should be more curious about where you ACTUALLY come from if you actually care about your heritage. But oppressors stealing the identity of the oppressed is always fucked

Aw thanks! And trust me I used the coffee cup example for a reason. lol
I’m prone to leaving them there. My husband leaves baseballs caps everywhere. But the thing is we both try and notice and do the little bits of things that add up in major ways, and then split the big stuff as evenly as we can. Because there is

I’ve never seen a woman have crazy high standards that men can’t meet - the fight it always that they just do nothing at all, or promise to do it and it gets done a month later. That’s the grudging acknowledgement: that men are happy to let women do it, despite knowing full well that nothing their partners are asking

Crumbs don’t belong on the counter. Socks do not belong on the floor. Your mails should be sorted through and put away. The bathroom sink should not have a crap ton of hair in it and toothpaste smears. Toilets need scrubbing or they get gross and smell weird. Dishes to not have to languish in the sink. When the

I was with you until the whole her husband is a dork, it’s not about race or sex shit. Why do white people always want to tell you it is not about race without checking their internalized racism? I was not born in this country and yet I am always checking how casually racism is imbued into every part of our lives.

There is some regional variation.  Hunter orange is much more a thing in the dense woods and populated areas back east.  I am out west and people might wear a piece during certain rifle seasons.  Otherwise not. 

Of course, at the same time, there were plenty of rural types who wore it, divorced from the dictates of trendiness, whether out of a desire to blend in with the forest or a desire to pass for a soldier, I’ll never know.

The whole thing is worth a watch, whether you’re a theater nerd or a secret theater nerd who knows all the lyrics to Oklahoma but would never sing them in front of you, for your sake (hi!). To be perfectly honest, I’m not even all that familiar with Sondheim, though my favorite episode of Documentary Now is the one

That’s because Canadian oil like their poutine is thick and gooey making it a pain to transport and refine. West Texas intermediate is the number to watch. 

I don’t really agree with this. We have a distribution problem, not a resource problem. This planet has more than enough resources to support everyone alive and their children if we distribute them equitably and stop destroying the planet to satisfy the limitless greed of a small minority of people who hoard a

I highly doubt in one weeks time during a pandemic, they will be able to provide enough nurses to guarantee round the clock care for every patient. Plus the hospitals own original policies state people should bring a companion for help with rooming in etc. There’s tons of articles out there about how bad it is that

Mortality? Probably not. But there are tons of studies on how the presence of a partner can reduce anxiety. And lots of studies about how anxiety can hinder childbirth. And about how having an advocate can reduce the use of unnecessary measures that introduce other complications. It’s a difficult thing to prove and I

Are you sure the wells have been fracked? Are they vertical and/or horizontal wells? There are shitloads of wells from over 100 years of drilling in that part of Wyoming. The shale fields (requiring fracking) are mostly in the southwestern part of the state. The LeBar Ranch is north of Orin, Wyoming according to