
As a fellow Annoying Wyomingite, I have no problem chastising fuckwits over harassing wildlife. What I fail to understand is that I have never encountered a lion or an elephant in the wild but I am not so dim to think that approaching one would be a stellar idea-why do people from other places assume that moose are

I have an even closer one. I apparently lose my brain when it comes to wildlife.

Here lies Ewok, gored by an Elk.

When I was hiking with a group in Yellowstone, a bison approached us on the path. We gave it as wide a berth as the terrain would allow. It was amazing to see one as close as we did, but we knew better than to try to get closer.

That picture of the buffalo and the tourist with the camera flying off.

LOL how about no. Bison are a loooot bigger and more aggressive than cows, and if you’re traveling abroad that doesn’t excuse you from following basic safety precautions when dealing with wild animals. If I go to a Taiwanese national park and decide to take a selfie three feet from a Formosan wild boar, I’m still an


I grew up on a buffalo ranch, so this cracked me up a little, in that it doesn’t matter if you move or hold still, they see you regardless. This ain’t no Jurassic Park.

I’ve found this to be the case with every species, wild or domestic. That animal does not exist for your entertainment!

The Olympic Game Farm in Sequim, WA is a drive through park of former “show business” animals and other rescues (so they claim). Near the end of the drive you go through a large open paddock with ALL KINDS of critters. Elk (I am terrified of elk) look DOWN into your vehicle (I drive a pretty large minivan). Finally we

We visited once and a bison wandered through the parking lot we were in. Other tourists were getting SO CLOSE (and being loud and not holding still, although I’m not sure if freezing and being silent is necessary). It was really cool seeing it, but I stayed in the car where it was less likely to trample or gore me.

I think it’s important to note, as the author has, that our generation is removed from the generation of Mad Men. Where our generation’s feminists can look at things like ironing, baking, etc and acknowledge that both men and women can perform this task, in our mother’s generation it was women’s work.

One of the main points of this article was that not very long ago, women WERE obligated to do domestic work because they were women, and they weren’t allowed to do anything else. Have fun with your bread.

Bingo. I remember reading a comment on Jez from someone who worked with domestic abuse survivors who said it’s extremely common for the abusive partner to claim they were the abused. Not saying this happened here but what he’s saying is just SO bananas. She used brute force to coerce him into signing this doc instead

I’m sorry, I honestly didn’t read past your first sentence. By “saving women’s lives” I don’t mean medically-necessary abortions. I mean that when abortions were legalized, doctors were so happy because they no longer had to watch women die in their hospitals from illegal abortions. Outlawing abortion actually has

I appreciate the well-tempered response. I will tell you that I’m 100% pro-choice, and that “abortion on demand” (which is how pretty much any medical service is administered) has both saved countless women’s lives while (by many accounts) simultaneously lowering America’s crime rate and misery index. Safe, legal

my parents were craft service on that show “Method and Red” on FOX. As like a 16 year old (I’m 27 now), I would frequently come and work doing craft service shit for them unofficially, and unpaid on whatever show they were working on. I did it as a favor to them, but also I was coming out to see friends in LA that I

Ok, I’ve looked through your comment history and I’m reasonably sure you aren’t a troll. However, please believe me when I tell you the Blaze is not a reliable source of information - trust. Also, Planned Parenthood has done so much good in this country - I have friends who are volunteers, friends who have worked for

I think a lot of these people, deep down, are really fucking angry that pregnancy can be trusted to almost any ‘ol woman, and would much rather have their decisions made for them by a tribune of correctly-minded evangelicals.

Planned Parenthood will give you actual facts and does not encourage women to do one thing or another, leaving the choice up to the woman. Most Planned Parenthood facilities don’t provide abortions, but they will refer you to someplace you can have one if you want one.

I ventured into one because they set up in the SAME BUILDING as the clinic. The escorted me and a friend into an office and shut the door. Once my friend caught onto what was happening, he told me to get up and leave with him. I tried to open the door, but the LOCKED it behind us. My friend threatened to call the