

I think I’ll probably move this series more in the direction of the questions that celebrate quirky choices, rather than the more polarizing topics. One, because they’re more fun for me and two, because I think it helps a lot of people who feel like they don’t “fit in” when it comes to wedding planning see that there

Here’s Brutus, both in our Save the Date and as our ring bearer

He's CORGIALLY inviting you to the wedding!!

Why thank you, I will use this time to post my favorite picture:

This morning I was like, “You know ... I have other topics I need to take on for PTQ but this week I just really feel like doing something for me.” #doggie #doggie #doggie

To celebrate Mother’s Day, the Jezebel staff is sharing photos of our mothers, as well as a few words on what makes

I was about 12 when I’d decided I was going to be a Paleontologist (I’m not, btw, but that’s not the point.)

My mom is a transplanted Midwestern lady living in a small island town in south Texas. There are a lot of great stories I could tell about her (she was briefly Mormon because the only church within walking distance of her family’s farm was a Mormon temple and then she got a scholarship to BYU and, as she likes to tell

So my mom died when I was 6 from cancer. At my kindergarten “graduation” I was getting a special citizenship award and was really excited about it. The evening of the ceremony, I remeber my mom laying on the couch obviously in a ton of pain. I, being 6, was oblivious and demanded she get ready for my graduation. She

I think it’s much more likely in response to the HUGE NYTimes expose on nail salons and labor practices that happened yesterday and today. It’s totally relevant to what people are talking about right now, and I for one found the story really interesting and was glad Pictorial published it. In fact, a good friend

nobody except for the commenters, who always know best

Haha I mean there’s not really much more to it. I was in 7th grade. The plan was hatched during lunch. The whole class knew about it (except for the victim, of course). I got back to the room before him and put the super glue on his chair. Unfortunately, as soon as he sat down one girl started laughing hysterically so

The story that follows me around is about the time I superglued a kid to his chair. That story didn’t change, though. It happened exactly the way people tell it.

My SO and I don’t live near any of my family (who is very large and very scattered). My friends are also scattered. So there’s a huge number of people we want to include. It’s not that I need to be Pretty Pretty Princess Center of Attention, it’s that I want the once in a lifetime opportunity to see everyone I love in

Well, that does it. I’m officially disappointed in Paris Hilton.

Yea, it’s judgey. “Excess” to you could be totally affordable and reasonable for others. My sister is inviting 150 people and spending about $20,000. She’s not going into debt for it.

The Passion of the Christ