I was sexually assaulted in college but lucky(?) enough to fight off my attacker before he could rape me on the street. To make a long story short, the police were not helpful and he was a stranger to me so I had no idea who he is. So that was fun.
I was sexually assaulted in college but lucky(?) enough to fight off my attacker before he could rape me on the street. To make a long story short, the police were not helpful and he was a stranger to me so I had no idea who he is. So that was fun.
ProPublica, Sports Illustrated, and The New Orleans Advocate teamed up to produce a thoroughly reported story…
The New York Times just posted a horrifying video of a white North Charleston police officer named Michael T. Slager…
Just a tip for any guys reading this. When women are talking about how they’re treated (MIStreated) it really is never appropriate to tell your story. No one cares. It’s not about YOU - not this time. Maybe never.
My guidance counselor (in 2002) told me not to apply to colleges out of state because I wouldn’t get scholarships and I shouldn’t ask my parents to pay that much money. I got scholarships at every college where I applied. I went to the one that gave me a stipend on top of a full ride. It was out of state. Fucker. Same…
Phone call between my husband and cold calling boiler room stock broker:
I recently transitioned from retail admin into an oil and gas sector position. The soft sexism is ridiculous. Actually so is the blatant sexism. The funny thing is, these guys (who have never had a woman in the office) are trying so hard NOT to look like misogynistic butt wads that I finally had to put my foot down…
Ahh I have had experiences that hit upon most of these themes:
That one of the male writers on a major feminist website created a ranking system for attractive women? That doesn’t seem at all problematic to you?
I agree! I’ve been shaving for years now. I’d rather be bald and not he’s-not-fooling-anyone mostly bald.
What is... me-su-ring?
What about kids and pets?
Audubon does! Lots of people do! However, the Audubon Society cares about birds and people now and in the future, but I am on the board of a different bird conservation organization so I want you to dislike Audubon isn’t quite as catchy a story.
There was actually discussion in the comments about male customers at Sephora. And is it really that shocking that the discussion about a makeup store on a women's website is mostly focused on women? Really. I don't imagine the Spehora employees miss you terribly much.