
You’re missing that it did happen. At the time of the games I’m referring to, Van held the hill record - as in the record for both men and women - at the exact jump used for the Olympic games.

I literally can’t think of another reason they were such assholes about ski jumping if it didn’t come down to a deep anxiety about being “chicked.” Didn’t they offer Lindsay Van a spot as the “practice” ski jumper or something super insulting in 2010ish, when she was legit the world record holder at that point?

Buddy. It’s absolutely about not liking the visual of women being hurt in particular, graphic ways. Let’s set aside for the fact that we’ve only had women’s wrestling in the Olympics since 2004 and women’s boxing since 2012 (!!!). Explain to me a rationale for having the women box in headgear in 2016 when they pulled

I think it’s sometimes a bit of a crapshoot how much schools care about or enforce these kinds of things, too. When I was in Catholic school, between my school and other schools I knew pretty well there were definitely out or semi-out or “open secret”-out queer men and women as both teachers and students, and the more

I agree with that assessment. I remember when I read (more like devoured) the Alanna books, the George thing felt natural to me - he seemed older but not THAT much older in how he was written (I think he’s 17 when the books start?). Sort of like the high school boy to your middle school girl, and by the end they’re

It was built in the mid-80s and then demolished and rebuilt in the mid-aughts...I mean, I think the original design looks cooler too, but this isn’t exactly like knocking down the Sistine Chapel.

This guy is hilarious and legit cannot stop trolling. I am enjoying watching him sit in his wrongness accusing women left and right of being city folk. He’s probably one of those dudes who moved to Boulder two years ago and thinks he speaks for The West because sometimes he camps on BLM land in his van.

The utter grossness of Roiphe’s actions and Harper’s willingness to do this aside, everyone should pause to read Donegan’s piece at some point today. Especially given how quickly she must have turned it around, it’s a powerful, lucid, and moving piece. The part where she describes watching the cells on the spreadsheet

Yeah, definitely. I mean, “windshield wilderness.” The point of the park system explicitly includes people and preserves amenities for people - it’s about giving people the chance to be there and experience these places. Wilderness - as far as federal public lands go - has an explicitly different designation - it’s a

“City people?” LOL. It’s a national park, not a wilderness. There are already coffee shops, food courts, wifi, and all kinds of amenities there. That’s by design, and there’s a balance, it’s not like Yellowstone is going to start training elk to make a mocha. Get ahold of yourself.

There are also places where you don’t have an option but to buy or rent in a neighborhood with an HOA....where I currently live is one example.

I want to embroider this comment on a pillow and then showcase it in a shadow box for all time.

Yo, I’ve been in love with Han Solo for basically my entire conscious life, trust me, I get it. But there’s nuance here that there wasn’t before, and I think that was a smart storytelling move for making Kylo Ren into a compelling villain and/or antihero. His conflict and the fact that it comes from a place you can

I mean, Anakin did worse and Star Wars let him be redeemed.

Plus these fuckers are all so scared of being emasculated that it’s nice to know that for once you’re hitting them where it hurts.

Eh, his pedigree is uneven, that’s all. First of all, his Cap is the understated highlight and throughline for the entire MCU (I would argue that he’s more critical at this point than RDJ by a fair bit), so on that score alone he’s marked a legacy. Beyond Marvel...I mean, the man is trying stuff out. He’s been in a

I feel like it would be foolish for them to not take advantage of what Bernthal’s Punisher brings to DD, even if they only do it as a one-off episode. The whole thing with Fisk and Frank they’ve built is really interesting. Plus if they go the “Born Again” route then they’ll have to give Karen something new to do and

I don’t think they necessarily have to push him up or down to go from here. I could see a very interesting S2 (or maybe appearance in DD S3) about him struggling to keep the balance he’s recently struck - understanding that he’s a violent dude who sees and pursues violence as a solution while also acknowledging he’s a

I have a reasonable amount of confidence that they won’t go in that predictable route - it would undercut the vast majority of what they built this season, not to mention feel appallingly one-note for a character that they went out of their way to make nuanced. Fisk is an easy way to get Frank back in on multiple

I think that’s the problem, though - it’s dragged on for years and multiple seasons of different shows now, long enough that the “will they or won’t they/probably they will” Matt and Karen dynamic feels past its expiration date due to the more interesting romantic interactions they’ve had with other characters. Early