
I’m glad they called an audible and wrote her in. Here’s how I feel: there’s no way to do the Karen Page of the comics in any fashion that isn’t terrible and demoralizing re: an actress and a character we’ve come to care a lot about. Why not just let the comics backstory go entirely in the service of giving a

I love Daredevil, I love Charlie Cox, and I have maintained a lot of sympathy to Netflix-Matt while he has enthusiastically taken a flamethrower to his life, career, and most important relationships.

Same. I thought it was going to be a lot more subtext-y than it was - at this point it feels very much like a powerful, slowly-built romance. Part of it is the talent and chemistry of the actors, but I think it also makes a surprising amount of sense from a character standpoint (which is something the production team

Frank has transferred a lot of his protective fatherly instincts onto Karen

AND got to keep their team name and history. Nobody in Baltimore considers the Ravens to be an extension of the Browns, which was one of the major pain points (still is) about The Indianapolis Football Team.

Uh, no. Also FYI this logic is one of the ways that for a long time men justified not giving women the right to vote.

No, it doesn’t. Not for anybody who’s spent time in the backcountry, at least.

You can sit at my lunch table.

Man, I swear that movie has to be up there for most polarizing audience responses. I LOVED it and my husband said it made him so deeply uncomfortable that he had trouble sleeping that night and he wished he could erase it from his brain.

I hope you’re right, but history makes me think that a hard road awaits anyone who decides to be the first person to name names. Even with support.

I mean, unfortunately he DID get away with it, which is exactly the thing that perpetuates this kind of vicious, demeaning harassment. Even now, Crews understands that he can’t name names. So, thus far, no consequences for appalling treatment of another human being. The only way it changes is if we force those

Ryan Gosling can fill out a tux, but he’s a man who is intensely private, has hidden his children from the prying eyes of the paparazzi and generally looks like he merely tolerates press.

Counterpoint, as somebody who’s been with their partner for eight years but only just got married a few months ago...

I hear what you’re saying, but I disagree. Trump’s reaction to this is precisely because it’s a peaceful protest against police killings of black people. Along the way it became bound up with the treatment of Kaep, the pissiness of white conservatives, and the pockets of NFL owners, but it’s all part of the same

Yeah - I am hoping people understand, because we went on a honeymoon, then moved immediately after, so by the time we weren’t in a full-on absent-and-hectic state, it was more than a month past the actual wedding (and plus we’ve both been working crazy hours all summer, though that’s less of an excuse). I’m telling

My hunch is that the NFL will simply argue that this proves that players suffer from it from the years and years of football they played before the NFL.

Oh, we’re still in the writing stage (we are now at 3 months out, and guilt is beginning to set in on my end for not having finished) and I have a short list designated for him to do that he hasn’t touched. To be fair to him, he spent most of the summer working 12-16 hour days. But I give him 2 more weeks before I

I do think LW’s tone is pretty casual there. “My mom is scary when she’s mad” is not necessarily an indicator that she actually finds her mom frightening, to me it read more like “my mom can be a lot to handle and enforces her standards like a bulldog and honestly it’s usually easier for me to not argue with her about

A rhetorical question I asked myself when being prodded for the umpteenth time by my mom about not having finished wedding thank you notes within two months. :)

People are piling on the LW here and I think it’s because they’re paying attention to Jane Marie’s misread more than the letter itself. LW has had no issue writing thank you notes to this point - she’s just saying that this gift barrage from friends of her parents that she’s never met is getting to be a little much