
That’s absolutely true too. You can see it in a lot of the men’s bouts this year — some guys used to fighting in headgear are still leading with the head. It’s been kind of an interesting case study on the maladaptive quirks that headgear teaches you. Headgear also obstructs your vision, which is not great for a sport

Wired ran a pretty good article about it. Does a good job of capturing the nuance/stuff we’re not sure about (e.g. turns out subconcussive impacts might play a big role in CTE, and headgear isn’t necessarily useless there). The fact that it’s just women wearing headgear, though, makes me roll my eyes.

Yeah, and I think she’s also been politically active and involved for a long time. I came into the comments to see if others were bugged by the tone, too.

I would also include Rebecca Andrade’s very bold purple hued lip color choice in the list of great makeup choices these games (this pic isn’t great but it was the best I could find):

I found this blog post that captures the errors — I had never noticed the foot separation thing before. Plus I guess her feet weren’t perfect in the air? I think the idea of calling the minuscule movement of her feet at the end a hop worthy of deduction is insane though...but IANA gymnastics judge.

Re: Maroney — I don’t remember, what was the reason for the deduction? I just remember the commentators going THOSE JUDGES ARE SO WRONG, OH MY GOD.

OMG same. I was a weepy mess at the end of Aly’s routine, and then lost it when Simone and Aly were just standing there with their arms wrapped around each other.

It would be like Pacific Rim jaegers fighting in that Vin would be like Cherno Alpha where we got lots of cool buildup and then the fight was over in three seconds.

Yup. Me too.

God, I’m always thrilled when I talk to people who loved that movie as much as I did. The whole movie was so icy and uncomfortable and magnetic. That piano scene!

Yeah...this. When my fiancé proposed he used a ring with a band he had a designer make custom based on what he knew I’d like, and the diamond is my great-grandma’s and has a great story that I know all about (and thus my mom was looped in on the ring design too, which was extra sweet). The whole thing was a total

This side of the church also tends to be where you find people cocking their eyebrows at and shaming so-called “pro-life” Catholics who don’t oppose the death penalty. I always appreciated the willingness to call out that particular hypocrisy.

Nailed it. I’m not religious anymore, but I come from a super-Catholic background. My family is liberal, politically engaged, and largely Jesuit educated — my grounding in social justice (including reproductive rights and marriage equality) largely came out of that context. It’s really hard to explain to people who

In this context? No. His work as a Jesuit volunteer gets shorthanded to “missionary” but mostly he was doing skills training and labor in a country that was already pretty Catholic. JVC-type stuff is more about working and less about converting people. Plus recall context — Catholicism at the time in Latin America was

I’m trying to be gentle on this, but...yes. I appreciate Bernie saying nice things about not restricting abortion ever, but Hillary’s legacy and record on these issues and her truly progressive platform speaks for itself.

Um, what? If you had looked at her platform or listened to her discuss this in interviews, you would have noticed that she has detailed and specific propositions about how much paid family leave should be mandated, how much compensation should be available, and how it should be paid for. She also believes in

Her pledge to overturn Citizens United was mentioned in like half the DNC speeches on Monday, too, including Bernie’s.

Hillary Clinton has been stumping on 12 weeks paid leave for a while now. She also argues for subsidizing daycare and capping expenses at 10% of household income, which is HUGE. She’s a really good candidate on women’s and family issues.

You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to be a pedantic dick about SOMETHING in these comments, and today is my lucky day!

Speaking of that know, I rolled my eyes at the concept of that movie, but wound up watching it and loving it. Mostly it’s that Anna Faris is adorable, Chris Evans is adorable, and they have really natural chemistry together — but all the cameos were also great too. I’ve watched it a few times now, it’s a