
Bellator jokes in the comments will always be the best thing about UFC fail stories.

I’m....a little confused. Are you seriously suggesting that women who would prefer their partners propose are simply lacking agency?

Sure, and if it’s basically a threat meant to force someone to do something they might not be ready to do, that’s obviously terrible. But there’s nothing in here that indicates that this is what Ann was up to, and he obviously took it seriously enough to fly home and think about his big picture. Absent other details,

Right, I’m not suggesting that Colbert is a villain — far from it, he seems to have taken her seriously, used the decision making moment as a way to reflect and make a good decision about his and her future together. There’s just no reason to paint her as a bad guy (there doesn’t have to be a bad guy!), and I’d expect

Sure, it’s a throwaway comment, but I see a lot of people being like “lol ultimatums” in the comments, and I think that can be a bit of an unthinking kneejerk response that is especially unfair to women. There is a lot of socialization that pushes us to roll our eyes or demonize women who want to get married and push

I’m going to stay agnostic on the Ann of this story — but in general, I think this response is a bit silly. When you’re young, maybe. But it’s pretty reasonable, I think, to say “Look, I want to get married. If you don’t, we’re going to have to part ways.” A *lot* of relationship heartache could probably solved with

My favorite cheap beer joke, especially since I live in the Rockies, is:

There’ve been a few pieces out lately suggesting that women may actually have a physiological advantage for long (by which I mean weeks instead of hours) ultra-endurance events. Here’s a NY Times piece on a woman who set a trail record that has the following to offer:

Catholicism is actually positioned similarly — life of the mother is a major thing, and Catholic hospitals have directives that basically allow for this (EXTREMELY COMMON SENSE) situation. Basically, many more abortions quietly take place in Catholic hospitals than people are aware of. The conflicts that make the news

I can’t get on board with the idea that Alito will, but Roberts siding with the liberals on this one is not that crazy in this case.

I actually think it would be a great capstone on Sansa’s evolution if she wound up with a man who was pretty much the polar opposite of the sort of man she envisioned marrying as a girl. I mean...he’s much older than her, but she could do much worse, especially if he happens to have her back at a crucial point

I mean...I know it’s Game of Thrones, I know it’s historically been awful to women, I know Sansa keeps getting nauseating story turns, but...

All the more reason for Sansa to kill him in their wedding bed?

I’m still dicey on trusting that Littlefinger’s absolute motivations are anything but power for himself, but he does clearly have a weakness for her (not one that precluded him from selling her to a torturer basically, but still). Still: if he gets to marry her AND consolidate his own power via marrying her, that’s a

I don’t think they were super clear about this on the show, but basically the argument was that her marriage to Tyrion is nonbinding because it wasn’t consummated. I think Roose had a conversation with Littlefinger about that when he was like “um but isn’t this girl a Lannister now technically?” So other than making a

I tell her about the time [Joan] Rivers was on an overnight flight, and as it was about to land, the flight attendant leaned down to offer her breakfast. “Chicken and eggs?” said Rivers. “On the same plate? What is that, the mother-daughter special?” Schumer lets out a big laugh, as it is classic Joan but it is also a

Scene: Baltimore, tonight.

It’s remarkable, isn’t it? In general, the complexity and depth of Ali’s persona and life really bring out something special from great, clear-eyed writers — and Obama certainly fits that bill. But it’s particularly tremendous and lucky, I think, that this particular president had the charge of memorializing this

Thanks for saying this.

I say this in good faith, and as somebody who really likes and fully supports Ke$ha in this and all other protest actions: