
He left the Nation of Islam in the mid-70s for a number of reasons, and converted to mainstream Islam. Later, he embraced Sufism.

Dude, stop. Here is some context. I was out having beers (incidentally, with a girl I box with) last night, and both of our phones blew up with alerts from the NY Times and NPR about Ali’s passing. When I got home, I had left the radio on, and the BBC was doing nothing but talking about Ali. For more than an hour!

Extra pretty.

For what it’s worth, the President and First Lady’s statement on Muhammad Ali is gorgeous and well worth reading:

This is more than a “serious news item,” and Lamar Odom’s hospitalization is not comparable. Come on, man, I know you know why we’re upset. This is a far, far different level.

I’ve been reading Jez literally since Jez came into existence. I know what Dirt Bag is. But I completely agree that it’s really inappropriate to include a writeup on Ali’s death in a celebrity gossip roundup, which is what this feature is. If you have any questions about why, please contemplate the juxtaposition of

I’m speaking more to the act of actually broadcasting it as a protest in whatever form, which she did. In any case, it’s like ten seconds of inconvenience in service of making a point.

Is flipping magazines back around that much of an inconvenience, really, compared to her maybe sending a message that gawking at this like a spectacle isn’t ok? I speak as someone who worked at a grocery store years ago, so I know from “flipping shit around to make it displayed correctly.” I don’t really think it’s

That’s silly. I’ve been dating my SO for coming up on seven years (cohabitating for most of that), and we JUST got engaged. We’ve known for a long time that we were going to get married, but we weren’t in a rush because we had a lot of other stuff on our plate, wanted to save money, and figured as long as we were

Putting it back on the market, or using in any capacity, reinforces the idea that it’s an available and acceptable commodity, and it isn’t. I’m all for this burn. Ivory is already pretty hard to come by — making it harder to come by might raise the incentives for poachers, but since poachers are shoot on sight in at

The fact that she’s a woman can’t be separated from this, but it interacts with the fact that she’s a person of color — that’s why I specified that this happens to her specifically because she’s a WoC — it’s really a problem that can only be understood thinking intersectionally. White women have a much better shot at

Right? I mean, Beyoncé even helpfully included a definitional clarification in her last surprise album —

This is BY FAR my favorite criticism I’ve ever received.

And I personally find it fascinating how many people are spouting variations of this sentiment, as if those of us who enjoyed and appreciated “Lemonade” have no idea how the music business works and simply are not aware Beyoncé uses writers (I also love that people must entirely deny that she had anything to do with

Are you thinking of “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon? I can think of a few songs that fit that bill to be honest...

While we’re on the subject, I propose the following gif for all future “mic drop” situations —

I was using Roth as an extreme example. Sure, lots of people hate him, but a lot of people love him, and nobody tries to claim he isn’t making art. Hemingway and Fitzgerald never get waved off because they write about the trauma and ennui of white men and based a lot of their material on personal experience. I mean

...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h

I agree with you there — and Dana White was pretty unhappy about Holm taking the Tate fight for that reason. It definitely takes a little of the edge off a Rousey-Holm rematch. That said, to me, it’s a positive step — a symbol that the women’s divisions are evolving. The Holm-Tate rematch might have given us a weird

Bros using “pussy” as an insult remains my favorite thing. “No homo, but I’m just going to use a slang term for a desirable part of a woman’s body to describe you.”