
I regularly read DS and like it very much, so I know what it’s like usually! What I appreciated here is that Anna managed to communicate the necessary information while still couching it in language like, “says the description for a YouTube video from the National Basketball Association.” This, to me, is a good joke.

I’m not arguing that there aren’t a lot of rape cases that are difficult to prosecute based on the evidence available (which is tied to myriad other factors, including hostility toward victims when they try to report leading to key evidence not being collected). I’m just saying that there are, in fact, plenty of ways

Anna, I’ve never really followed the NBA closely because I don’t have a team, but I want you to know that I think I could be a very good basketball fan if you would please write all the coverage. Thank you.

I also love the idea that rape cases always and entirely come down only to one person’s word against another’s. Nope, no other evidence of sexual assault could possibly exist! That’s why nobody is ever convicted of murder — if the alleged killer says he didn’t do it, we just let him go, because it’s just a “he said,

Converting to Kelvin is actually really easy, you just add 273.15 to degrees C.

It hurts as much as tweezing. If you try it on a new area it definitely hurts, but at this point it doesn’t hurt me noticeably at all when I use it on areas I used to just tweeze (let’s not think about what this means for my nerve endings, maybe). But it’s also so fast that even if it does hurt, it’s over super soon.

Have you tried an epilator before? I’m lucky in that I’m blonde (TY Vikings for invading my ancestors long ago) so it’s harder to see, but I have a few that I can *feel* — tweezing was SO HARD because of aforementioned “impossible to see” issues. I got a small epilator and use it once or twice a week, it’s fast and

The problem is, he wasn’t the boss, he was a colleague. If he was directing and that was his style, that would be one thing — but he was Streep’s peer, not her shepherd.

Okay, smart guy, how do you think LGBT people (and other minority groups) living in the south would feel about your proposition? I’m sure it would be very helpful for them to “ban” their home ground.

Totally. Since there are no problems with justice or equity north of the Mason-Dixon and life below it is basically a Fury Road hellscape, your comment makes a lot of sense.

That’s not what “non-essential” means, in a government context.

I feel like I’m pretty good at assessing the attractiveness of politicians apart from their political beliefs (let’s just say there have been a lot of “would you rather”s re: Rand Paul and Marco Rubio in my friendship circle of left leaning ladies).

If you’re speaking from experience, then I am unspeakably sorry that that happened to you.

I’m the biggest advocate for gun control there is, but this is a domestic violence and control issue, not a gun issue.

That’s the thing — I don’t love the sound of my last name, but I’ve had it all my life, it’s on my degrees, and it’s shared by a lot of people I love very dearly. My partner has talked about taking my name, which I definitely appreciate, but I like his last name *on him* too — we will have to work this stuff out

I try to be open minded, but I have no intention of changing my last name, and one time my partner’s brother mentioned offhand that he thought it was “selfish bullshit” when women don’t change their names. It about knocked the wind out of me. People say this stuff doesn’t matter, but it really does, because it tends

Mostly, I assume because they’re expensive, and it’s not like the price fluctuates a ton, so there’s no particular benefit to spending $$$ and buying a few years’ worth now. Also, I certainly don’t have unlimited space in which to store a tampon hoard. I mean, you could make the same argument about toilet paper,

If we assume the debts, the union gets a new line of credit — a financial diuretic. How do you not get it? If we’re aggressive and competitive, the union gets a boost. You’d rather give it a sedative?

I mean I’m not above texting make and model information. It’s the principle of the thing (and sometimes, the practicalities).