
I realize this comment relates to one of the least interesting parts of this dog-and-pony show, but:

What’s funny is a key story note in Hamilton is Washington understanding that it is important for a president to step away from power, even when a really great person is president.

Flannery fuckin’ O’Connor was publishing during this time! I mean, Jesus.

I had pretty much the same response. In no universe is that statement remotely accurate.

Do you seriously not remember backlash against The Da Vinci Code?

Haha, my bad. First thing* in the morning and I’m not caffeinated. In my defense, a lot of weird shit is happening in this thread!

Of course I’m not talking about people who actually earn a war bonnet! I’m talking specifically about non-native people flippantly donning war bonnets here — I’d hoped I’d made my audience clear with the “not yours to discuss” bit, apologies if that wasn’t so.

Jesus christ, no. I’m Irish-American and was not raised worshipping Brigid and Macha, because that particular mythological ship sailed with colonization hundreds and hundreds of years ago (of note, the best recordings of early myth cycles come via monks, who get squirmy about even describing personages who were

I want a gif of her calmly and coolly picking up her pen and decisively making a note.

I thought Clinton responded to that ridiculous question very well.

Interesting; I think that exchange might be a bit of a Rorschach test, because I thought it went perfectly well for Hillary.

I’m disappointed in her — because in general, she seems lovely and I think she’s trying to be thoughtful and respectful. She missed here, unfortunately. It’s a great lesson in how good intentions don’t really insulate you from bad decision-making. I sincerely hope she takes this as an opportunity to learn and rethink

Uh, this is pretty much the equivalent of saying that native representation in movies either doesn’t exist or can only be Johnny Depp playing Tonto.

Ok, if you don’t want cookies, then donate to the organization directly. Are you doing that?

Their cold, cold hearts?

Seriously, the rhetoric around Clinton “using” these women is so messed up. Way to deny women of color agency, political literacy, and their voices. Damn.

Those comments really bugged me on a visceral level. The most major problem is obviously the conflation of “ghettos” and poverty with nonwhite people (and the assertion that white people can’t be poor) — but he also went on to say that white people “...don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the

His natural weight is probably closer to 155. Dude was eating like crazy and only made 168.

Scientists have always been willing to blow themselves up for the sake of science. That’s why “The Martian” struck a chord among us. These brave ghostbusting pioneers were heroes to our vocation.

How dare you. I became a scientist because of this movie. #WomenInSTEM