
You must have a TARDIS of your own!

I mean, it has to be called Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money, right?

This episode definitely couldn’t find its focus, and splitting its attention across 400 different threads while Morris kept nattering was annoying. Of the random interesting folks that UNIT has brought into things, Morris was not one of their best. Wesley Crusher but more annoying and less useful. In an episode

RTD the master of plot twists.

It is almost always more damaging in the long run. We always try to say the ends justify the means but usually the people that run these ops are so short sighted they can’t even see the ends. Sure they might be working towards a goal, like to undermine confidence in a certain government, but it comes with lasting

I’m sure it was pure coincidence too that anti vaxxers overwhelming support Trump, that Trump started it. Why Biden let it continue is an open question though. 

The gop is going to keep trotting out trump until he’s dead. Not incarcerated, not incapacitated, not mentally declined... no longer on this mortal plane. The party sold out to him on the idea that his base and enough fringe voters/repubs no matter what would be enough to tip the scales. Losing trump would alienate

Sorry but that is going to be a movie about werewolves, not “whyarwohlfz.” It is only the latter that Mr. Estevez is an expert on.

It just means the wheat harvesting can be eeeeven slooooower.

Agree about the Gorn in SNW, not just because they’re portrayed as generic villains but also for the reactions that the Enterprise crew has to them. That last episode they were absolutely blood thirsty to kill some Gorn, which just isn’t Trek.

The very idea that we continue to allow businesses to operate as they do, knowing full well they at least double the likelihood of cancer, is just insane.

I think I’d rather see Star Trek: Legacy be made more than one about the academy in the 32nd century. Nothing against the actor, as I think he’s great. But this show seems like it’s already on wobbly legs regarding plot. 

My guess is he’ll be the crusty, bitter old dean who’s always looking for any excuse to expel those rowdy member of Nova Squad!

Yeah, a big baddie in a series set at the Star Fleet Academy makes me suspicious about the quality of the underlying story arc, which also raises my concerns for the overall series.

Do people know you can tell Star Trek stories without villains? Most of the individual Star Trek stories don’t have villains.

Because in Hollywood you fail upwards.

Why is Zack Snyder even a thing?

I object to fentanyl being described as “toxic.” That just promotes the propaganda of the ignorant. It is an opiate and as such, it has potential side effects including sedation, respiratory depression, constipation, dry mouth, and physical or psychological dependence. It is no different from any other opiate in that

It’s possible that Netflix’s deal was for a PG-13 space opera movie of a certain length, and Synder blew everything up too much that they had to chop it down.

offer “viciously sexier, bloodier” interpretations of the original films