
If Reynolds estimates the road trip movie would have a budget of $5-6 million then give him $10 million for an 8 episode road trip series to be aired on Disney+, you could do 18 seasons of that for what 1 season of The Acolyte cost lol 

Ok if Disney doesnt turn that idea into a Web Series with both of them in character just getting into short misadventures (5-10mins tops) as they criss cross the country seeign weird roadside attractions, xmen characters and other d list super heroes, accidentally foiling plots of shadowy marvel organizations, and

I don’t particularly care what Trump is suffering from. He’s a convicted felon. That should be enough to keep him from being on any debate stage, nevermind a viable candidate running in the presidential campaign.

You misheard it. It’s “dark things call to dark things” meaning that it calls to him because he’s a dark thing too. Not much better, but maybe a little? 

The helmet and guards were made of cortosis. That's why the saber blades were shorting out.

It's cortosis, a different metal that can not only stop a saber, but short it out. It's not as strong as beskar. This is all legit existing Star Wars canon. It was first introduced in the old Star Wars EU, now called Legends, and brought into canon through the novel Thrawn Alliances by Timothy Zahn. 

The metal confirmed to be Cortosis (dark grey blue in the SW:EU comic). It’s not durable as Beskar so it must be combine with other material hence the Bronze color.

agreed, figured this was axed along with the other fx shows.

I really enjoyed the first season. I must have looked like a mad man though as I tried to get others to watch the show.  You see there is this hitman... who dies.... who can only talk to a monkey... who becomes a hitman himself...

I just made a YouTube video where I basically ran down this exact same list of plot holes. Thank you for your thoroughness, this is even more in depth! The fact that the Doctor’s memories of the event keep changing is the one that really got me. No explanation for how he didn’t see her pointing in the first episode. I

Werewolf by Night was probably the closest we’ve gotten to a “cheap” MCU product, and even that probably had a $150M+ budget. I also think Universal is eating Disney’s sandwich when it comes to horror/macabre stories.

I think we just liked the fact, that once he met up with other heroes, they beat the snot of him, tied him to a chair, and called him out on all his crap.

It was a Moffat era “non story” that nearly resolves itself and in the end, nothing really happens.

This season was far less than the sum of its parts

That would be perfectly fine and not an issue.... if he hadn’t written 8 other episodes this season that specifically set up that she was not your normal everyday human. RTD doesn’t even have the Star Wars excuse of having had somebody else write the character for a while and try to take her in a different direction

Man, if I’ve ever heard of a simpler, more concise and guaranteed idea for rejuvenating the show, I can’t think of it. The show has all of space and time as its canvas, why can’t we get more than ‘go to area x, which is being menaced by monster y’?

But I would argue Dick Tracy, The Shadow, The Phantom, Darkman, were all Batman 89 ripoff. They all kind of try to do what Batman 89 did visually and structurally. They weren’t advertised as comic-book film, but they were advertised as Batman-like films. Because in many ways, Batman is basically the last surviving

Doctor Who is back... to being the same mix of occasional brilliance surrounded by utter cringe that it was under Russell T. Davies the first time around. Just replace fart monsters with bogey monsters, Peter Kay with Jinkx Monsoon, and the weeping angel with standing on a land mine.

The ratio of gold to crap seems to

I feel like so much of Batman 89's success is owed to its marketing. The movie was not a surprise hit. It was a blockbuster by design. That summer every consumer item had a bat symbol on it. There was Batman breakfast cereal, Batman eau de toilette, Batman Taco Bell cups, Batman house slippers, Batman Underoos, and

Well. I can think of one way to see if they was there on purpose or by accident. Take a good guess at where it probably sailed from. Draw a line to where it sank. Now continue this line. Is there any seaport out there that they could have been trading with? Yes - they were sailing to it. No - they were lost at sea.