
I was struck by the same thought. The least you could have done is drug the corpses into the wookie’s home so you could go back and give them a proper burial later. Just leaving your friends there to be eaten by the swarming flesh-eating bugs who just carried off the Sith lord seems a little heartless.

Or at the very

The worst thing you can say about Biden’s bad performance in this one debate is that it made him sound nearly as incoherent as Trump does every time he opens his mouth.

Neither of them are in great shape to be President, and it really would have been for the best if Biden had announced he was stepping down a year ago

Since we see the helmet and wrist guard take multiple direct hits from lightsabers, I’m assuming that means it’s made out of unrefined Beskar? (Unless there’s another in-continuity Star Wars Universe metal out there that blocks lightsabers *and* functions as a tin-foil hat to prevent Jedi from reading your thoughts.)


I am absolutely going to need a trailer breakdown to tell me who the other Marvel D-listers are this time around. Other than the returning Lady Bullseye, I don’t have a clue about any of the others.

Oh yeah. Like everyone else, I just assumed it had been cancelled until it suddenly got announced a few months back. Season 1 was way better than it had any right to be, and got virtually no publicity (not to mention that Hulu is where Disney usually sends shows to die) so I’m surprised and grateful to have it back.


I’d be very tempted by the Death’s Head figure if it wasn’t a SDCC exclusive destined to cost a small fortune on eBay.

Let’s not forget that because of him, Doctor Who and Transformers are technically all part of the same universe.

Yeah, my biggest issue with Dot and Bubble wasn’t the racism twist (which I think was harder to spot because everything looked so artificial and Barbie-ized, that I was convinced they were all A.I. constructs like Dr. Pee... at least I hope he was supposed to be an A.I.) it was that the dots needed the mantraps in the

For 73 Yards, they could have easily saved the fairy circle and Mad Jack stuff for another episode simply by having the TARDIS land on the cliffs and the Doctor wanders over to talk to the 73 Yards woman... and then simply disappear, abandoning Ruby just like every other person who ever talked to the woman and ran

Note that RTD could have had his cake and eaten it too if he’d just kicked the can down the road a little bit and revealed that yes... Ruby was a regular human with a regular mum, but that wasn’t why the gods were so freaked out by her, and there was something more to her going on beyond genetics to explain all the

That would be perfectly fine and not an issue.... if he hadn’t written 8 other episodes this season that specifically set up that she was not your normal everyday human. RTD doesn’t even have the Star Wars excuse of having had somebody else write the character for a while and try to take her in a different direction

The number of dangling unexplained plot threads and random “well that was convenient” moments this season is way worse than any of RTD or Moffat’s previous seasons, and vastly worse than anything the classic series era by a long shot. (the closest I can think of is maybe The Valeyard in Trial of a Timelord, and that

Older established trees are far more resilient to extreme temperature fluctuation, which really sucks because every citrus tree I’ve planted over the last 5 years just shrivels up and turns into a dead stick the moment we get to one of our record-breaking triple digit summers here in California.

Meanwhile, the white

As for that bat-dog of a finale... ugghh.

I knew it wasn’t going to be great after part 1, and RTD doesn’t have a great track record for season endings anyways, but the entire thing felt like half-an-idea scribbled in crayon on a cocktail napkin that was never fully plotted out. There were multiple ways they could

Doctor Who is back... to being the same mix of occasional brilliance surrounded by utter cringe that it was under Russell T. Davies the first time around. Just replace fart monsters with bogey monsters, Peter Kay with Jinkx Monsoon, and the weeping angel with standing on a land mine.

The ratio of gold to crap seems to

Instant disqualification for failing to list Castle of the Living Dead, Donald Sutherland’s first feature film role, where he played not one but three different characters; the extremely Donald Sutherland-y soldier, the deformed peddler, and the old crone!

This was his first foray into horror and working with

Don’t bother rewatching Pyramids of Mars before the season finale because Russell T. Davies sure as hell didn’t before writing it.

Well... this just goes to show the difference between RTD “clever” and Steven Moffat clever. Can we all just agree that anagrams and bad puns, especially ones that aren’t even up on screen until they’re “revealed”, and which make no logistical sense when you think about then for longer than a second, are the least

Also, make sure you pull the same trick three times in the same episode.

And you’d better animate the letters switching around too, just in case the audience is too stupid to know how anagrams work.

No, that’s just Sutekh’s incredibly lame “harbinger” cleverly named Harriet Arbinger.

The numbers have been in stead decline for the last several seasons, but viewership figures have been dropping for everything across the board because people just don’t watch TV live as it airs anymore. Given that the new series is now available a full day earlier to anyone who *doesn’t* watch it on BBC1, the numbers