
This is exactly what they need to do if they want to keep expanding the Star Wars universe. Mandalorian was fresh and innovative (at least for Season 1) because it was clearly a samurai movie with Star Wars set dressing.

So yeah, bring on the Star War heist movie (which is I think what Taika Waititi’s is supposed to

I wonder if they’re purposely holding onto it now since they realize they have no new content coming because of the writer’s strike?

Ehh... Who am I kidding. This is Max.
They’ll figure out some way to screen it twice in a locked executive bathroom, then write the entire thing off as a tax loss because it’ll give the

The game is so open, I don’t think there’s anything that prevents you from heading straight for the Underdark or Risen Road and skipping the vast majority of act 1. Hell, I’m pretty sure you can completely avoid picking up every other playable character (with the possible exception of Shadowheart who you might have to

Much as I loved season 2, I’m more excited for season 3, since it should be more Pratchetty. Neil has said that Season 2 was mostly his own stuff and the bridge that basically gets us to the sequel novel that he and Terry had originally outlined. Which sort of makes sense, if you’re familiar with Pratchett, since his

I just automatically assumed he was voiced by James Norton who played Hugo Swan on The Nevers. The character model looks enough like him, and the vocal mannerisms were so similar that I figured they just straight-up mocapped him.

Now playing

While I’d love to see Matt Berry get a larger role in Star Wars, we desperately need somebody to sneak Matt Walsh onto one of the sets, just so he can finally deliver his titular line. It doesn’t even have to be included in the transmitted episode.

I love that at high strength you can effectively throw corpses into the next zip code. I managed to kill almost every goblin in Moonhaven by either throwing or Thunderwaving them into a bloody smear on the ground, and it was glorious.

The only way they could make this game better is if they beefed up the stealth and

Futurama has had something like three different series endings, all of which were quite satisfactory, so Matt Groening is pretty much an expert at this point.

I figure that is quite probable, given that Warren Ellis is no longer on writing duty.
We’ll see if whoever fills his shoes is up to the task.

All you had to say was...

I see even The Doctor can’t get non-hideous sneakers these days, and he has access to a time machine.

That said, these are less terrible looking that most of the other neon abominations out there. 

Eagerly looking forward to this! I was just checking wikipedia a couple of months ago to see if Watanabe had anything new coming out, since it’s been a while, and there was no mention of this series whatsoever. I’m glad that it’s not only “forthcoming” but “currently in production” as Adult Swim projects do have a bad

I can only hope that the movie does well and somebody like Amazon, Hulu, or some fresh on the market streaming service desperate for original content will offer them a fat stack of cash to make another season, ala Futurama.

The only problem is that the show takes so long to produce, that a lot of platforms probably

I strongly suspect that Ncuti will be a bigger part of the 60th specials than RTD has let on.
With the Celestial Toymaker involved, my theory is that he essentially inserted another version of 10 into the Doctor’s timeline where Ncuti was supposed to be because he knows he’s the version most likely to get carried away

If they had only used the Cluckin Bell name, and zero other visual assets from the game, they might have gotten away with it.... but they were quite clearly using the GTA font, logos, and likenesses of their video game characters to promote their business, all of which would be copyrighted.

That said, even if it was

If the tree planting was actually handled by the Dept. of Forestry or any other entity with responsible government oversight this might be a non-shitty plan... At least in terms of reducing some of the temperature effects of global warming in urban environments.

But no... as with any plan Republicans come up with, the

Agreed. Though allowing Trump to get away with stacking the Supreme Court was also an inexcusable blunder.
Republicans have made it damn clear that they have no intention of playing by any rules *ever*, so when Democrats do eek out a tiny bit of power, they need to stop pussyfooting around and worrying about

The terrifying thing is, no sane person believed Trump could win the Republican nomination back in 2016... let alone the actual presidency. He was a clearly deluded criminal rapist with zero political savvy who couldn’t go five minutes without sounding like an egomaniacal racist lunatic. He was a walking SNL sketch. Th

Possibly, if it wasn’t straight up called itself ‘Clucking Bell’ using the exact same visuals as GTA, but yeah, this was destined to end just as badly as if they’d opened a restaurant called “McDonalds” that used the same golden M logo and had all the employees dressed in bootleg McDonalds uniforms.

They full-on

I’d be perfectly fine with an open world game that’s basically just GTA set in the Star Wars universe, where you can steal a speeder bike, X-Wing, or AT-AT and then wreck utter havoc until the Empire starts sending Star Destroyers after you.