
My wife and I are even more excited for Severance ever since she got a job with Franchise Tax over the summer.

Dan Erickson clearly must have had a job there at some point earlier in his career, because so much of the show seems to be based on that experience. The whole “look at these numbers and highlight any areas

Severance is tops for me, but they better explain those goats. Tired of these mystery box shenanigans where the producers never even intend to explain anything, they just throw weird and random stuff in the show to make you keep watching, hoping for a hint of an explanation. But I suppose LOST perfected this long ago,

Wool, Shift and Dust are a completed series of novels, if you’re truly worried about what will happen in the Silo TV show. I don’t think the TV show will stray too far from the book series overall, but I was somewhat disappointed with how the books ended. I don’t have any access or plan to access Apple TV now or in

“Theories” about the return of Sutekh have been around about as long as the series revival, based on little more than idle speculation and wishful thinking. But RTD himself jumpstarted them by explicitly encouraging fans to think about and discuss what “previous godlike characters” they would like to see again as part

There was a heavily cutdown (to about 70 minutes) and colorized version of The Daleks that premiered on iPlayer last fall; this could be a similarly cutdown version of a classic series story.

Have you...have you ever actually read anything Ennis has written?

Well, he did create the TV Series. However, we all know you were born without the ability to process factual information.

Hey Cunt, look into who Garth Ennis actually is, and what his views on fascism and related topics are.

These are the same people that think cops sporting Punisher logos is totally cool.

Yeah, it was as subtle as a brick to the face. And it needed to be, because the people it is talking to, the idiot anti-wokers, are thicker than shite in the neck of a bottle. 

Well look at who it is thats getting upset. Not exactly the swiftest bunch.

You missed two very important details. One is that the Memory TARDIS appears to be *IN* the finale itself, as there’s a brief clip of Ncuti opening the doors with what looks like Mel standing behind him:

While I mostly agree, if you FULLY anonymize the story to the point where characters involved, are you really still telling the same story.  Doubly so since this was him telling HIS story.  I mean  I haven’t seen the show, but from what I can tell the only similarities between the character in the show and the real

To be fair, the Cylons had a plan - kill everyone.

That everybody loves Raymond. His own brother couldn’t stand him!

trying to tell us in the early seasons that the characters in Lost were totally Not Dead

“The biggest lie in television history”

Shouldn’t public service vehicles have good parts availability and be easy to maintain and fix in case of damage? From what I understand, neither of those is true for the Cybertruck.

Can’t wait to hear the stories of how criminals evade the cops by simply driving up a mild incline on a dirt road or driving through a running car wash.

As if police departments aren’t already wasting enough money. Any department caught with these is basically waving around a giant flag that says “DEFUND US!”