
I suppose that as long as the nanny does, this is not a problem...

Don’t expect Hollywood to ever really critique our government. The film industry pretends to be rebellious, edgy, and forward-thinking but it’s largely superficial. Why? Because it is a business. They don’t want audits like the porn industry got during Bush II. They don’t want hearings like during the McCarthy era.

For real. She said what hurt wasn’t the cheating, it was the dishonesty, which is generally true with infidelity. People either know something is going on and that it’s being hidden from them, which is toxic and gaslighty. Or they have no idea and are totally blindsided when the facts come out, which makes you

Completely agree.

You’re wife didn’t bring it up again because she wants to know more. She wants to know if you’re trustworthy, and she thinks more information will help her know for sure.

This is a real product, licensed by Florida-based Flex Beauty Labs:

It’s Travolta or it’s no one, lol. Will Ferrell has an unfocused, manic energy. It’s great, it works well for many things. Antle was focused like a laser and he had the crazy eyes.

This inspired me to browse through Ina Garten memes.

I would imagine Jeffrey is behind the camera. They’re both old. They can’t really have staff members around right now.

I’m sure Mr. “tacky ass chain restaurant with portions way too big for a normal person to finish in one sitting* CEO is not taking his pay check in April too right?

One of the benefits of being a medium-sized chain with really distinct franchise architecture is that the landlords probably aren’t going to evict you for missing a month’s rent. It’d cost them more just to try and remodel one of those places. 

I’d pay $50 to watch a livestream of tiny acrobats kicking the shit out of Daniel Lamarre.

The black community has The Root. We Jews have The Takeout haha. I’ll admit I get a little glimmer of excitement for the awful Passover foods each year, but all I really like are the macaroons.

It’s inexplicable because she radiates absolute, total insincerity at all times except when she’s tearing into Buttigieg.

The chips have been around for a while here in Seoul, but we should note that there is (as with just about everything in that goddamn masterpiece of a film) a lot of important social meaning behind them.
The chips are ONLY sold in giant cans, and those cans retail for about $20-25USD (20-30,000 won) typically. They’re

Good lord - I was riffing as soon as I saw this: fried shrimp using smashed popcorn as the coating.

Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that. It had me wondering if Ben was having a personality disassociation crisis right before our eyes or had plans to clone himself - current, non-cloned Ben would become “Director Ben” with the newly cloned Ben being “Actor Ben”. “Actor Ben” would handle the mundane activities of

I read the Josie Canseco article, so the rest of you don’t have to. Just, don’t do it. I’ll never get those moments back.

Just to clarify Kristen and Dax don’t say they want their kids to be famous. When asked they say they would support their adult children if they wanted to be actors. In fact they are the leading champions in child privacy and led the charge for magazines like PEOPLE not publishing pap photos of famous peoples kids

“That night, I saw a woman placed on a throne without a kingdom while no one watched.”