
History is a great editor of all things.

Today, Google Images showed me four images, and asked which one of them was me. The four images showed a version of me from several years ago when I was presenting as female, wearing red lipstick ; my spouse ; a stranger I’d taken a cosplay photo with ; and a friend of mine. None of them represented who I am, and none

A time I made myself an Amy’s frozen lasagna for dinner for my birthday, and pretended it was a treat because I was eating dairy and carbs. 

“pathos-based and triggering” is a weird phrasing to use against someone who is usually associated with the group that response to “pathos-based and triggering” arguments such as, idk, those derided as sensitive liberals.

Oh! Can we force them to build the wall? That might make it into a concentration camp. 

Mean, nonwhite (and somehow male but not explicitly male because that would demonize men) stranger, that gives her enough warning to get her gun, aim and fire it, but without it being taken away from her and used to perpetrate whatever scary violence he intended.

There are really two kinds of uses for makeup, though most applications involve both uses.

I’m in the middle of transitioning to a masculine non-binary identity, and while just not wearing makeup is so easy, learning not to care about skin imperfections has been more of a process. I got good at covering up zits, but only because women have to, and that’s not something society requires of dudes.

I went to a truly wonderful wedding last weekend that intentionally excluded all family except the groom’s sister, and only that mostly because her husband is his bff. The reception was an overnight stay at a campground and the food was hot dogs and beer. 13 people. Might be the best wedding I’ve been to, including

This dude looks so incredibly boring. I think these protagonists are supposed to be bland so that anyone can relate to them, but I don’t ever find blank slates relatable. If I have to play a specific person, I’d like them to be fascinating. 

I’m really glad we just collect Magic cards.

Are these tools usually locked to particular locations or can they be used remotely? If it’s the latter case, it could also be someone that’s sold their account access or just someone that found a working employee login. But occam’s razor says staffer. 

I was also thinking about Pike Place! My parents live downtown and do much of their shopping there, and they schedule around cruise ship season. Very early mornings seem to be the best time to get anything actually accomplished down there. I didn’t find the crowds in Nishiki Market to be surprising at all, because I

Ohgeez, dang. I have a very limited sense of smell, so the olfactory assaults are not an issue for me. I have no idea what that place must be like if you have that sensitivity, and I’m very sorry for not considering it. 

Exactly. Dorne and the Iron Islands have less to do culturally with King’s Landing than even the North. I literally don’t believe that they didn’t fuck off instantly.

Coco Chanel was a nazi agent, though, so let’s not give her an inch of credit for goddamn anything

I made this for mother’s day, but made the mistake of using box rose that was honestly too sweet to be consumed by itself. My partner and I took most of it home and drank the melted remainder with seltzer water, which was... fine.

oh shoot i need this

I have hilariously sensitive skin and the Lush ones have been fine, but obviously ymmv. I also tend to shower after I’ve had a good soak so it doesn’t linger past the initial exposure.

Oh man, I did read that wrong. I thought you were advocating for a return to that range, as if somehow the people were actually younger than that right now. Apologies!