
I demand that my partner allow me to assemble the Ikea furniture and only help when I ask specifically for something. I adore it, and they adore letting me do it. Our marriage is perfect. 

I love how you give a different age range for women than for men

I see 2001 at Cinerama every time I have the chance! It’s goddamn incredible there.

The Beanie Baby movie would have to be about their diminished value as collectables, which sounds like a bummer

Either you accept that trans women are trans women or you’re a terf. Any attempt at finding a middle ground eventually exposes the speaker as someone who believes that the difference between cis and trans women is important and worth drawing a line over, and just exposes that they don’t believe trans women really,

Yeah, she may have been incredibly progressive 20 years ago, but things have moved on, and she has not. 

Adoption is also a luxury good. So are the costs surrounding even a natural conception and birth. None of it actually seems to guarantee that children get raised by people that have their best interests in mind.

Episode was a hot mess. All the narrative threads set up earlier in the season were completely ignored in favor of surprises that didn’t hit hard, uneven planning, and the unnecessary slaying of my forever favorite character that has me unenthused for the rest of the season. 

Oooh, thank you!

Matzoh ball soup is one of the things I miss most about being vegetarian ._.

Honestly, I ship it SO MUCH, and I never thought I would. He’s the only person who understands what she’s been through, and he broke through incredible dehumanization to rescue her - conditioning he wouldn’t break for easy rescue from his sister.

The real issue with this method is that every once in a while it ends up with the cup of butter all over the seat or the floor of the theater and then some hapless employee has to clean up your hedonism

Literally don’t know why I typed that opinion

I’ve been in a constant hell of “I’m sad about Theon” for eight years and I’m not sure I’ll ever be free

Yeah, that’s one of those moments where it feels really good to tell something to someone else, but maybe it’s not the right thing for them to hear. He’s wiser than some of the characters on the show, but that was a bad move. 

I was in an all girl’s middle school, and was desperate to prove that I was cool to this gorgeous girl who I knew was interested in video games. I saved up allowance money for months and months to get a ps2 so I could finally play a Final Fantasy and have something to talk to her about. It never really went very well,

I got this maybe late last month. My credit union shut down my card, which was great, but the initial attack was so bizarre. 

The only consequence to her wearing the clothes and not painting her skin will be that she doesn’t get any attention, which would defeat the entire point

One of our fave places serves them with shaved bonito over the top, and we get them every time.

Ohh man, fuck standard. I don’t play that at all.