
This is the lamest argument ever. WHO CARES. it takes 30 seconds to switch it. Jesus.

good, i'm not crazy. i'd rank them exactly the same.

It's a respect for all the games made by SIERRA: Space Quest, King's Quest, Police Quest, LLL.

And Bioshock: Infinite felt like a 2 hour game with a bunch of side missions jammed into it for length: Get all the way across town to find the door! Door is locked, need to find 3 keys to unlock it, go back across town. (Ok, that's not an actual example, but that's what it felt like.)

A great voice actor can only do so much with shit dialogue, which 90% of games have. It's only recently that companies have started hiring actual writers to work on the scripts, which is one of the reasons there have been some improvements in the "quality" of the performances.

someone who thought he was valuable?

he's breaking OUT!

Now playing

I think this one is a pretty good contender (watch to the end)

he should re-watch the last 30 minutes.

Good luck! It's tough but you are much stronger than you think. We all are.

Are you responding to me? I don't have SAD... I have the same thing as you, but with a Panic Disorder. GAD + Panic attacks.

Almost everyone is anxious to some degree. The people who tell you not to worry, are either projecting their own desire to be comforted, or are sociopaths.

new ps4 controller reveals new "share" button, most googled question that day, "how do i block ps4 share from my facebook feed"

oh good, because that's something every gamer needs. /sarcasm.

no one has. the ratings are terrible!

She doesn't, the author was making a joke.

yeah, my thoughts too.

Their current film is called "The Starving Games", so yeah... Gross...

You see Star Trek, I see Idiocracy.
