Maybe the joke is that this explains why SNL is so shitty
Maybe the joke is that this explains why SNL is so shitty
In very my first playthrough, for instance, I created one character intended to be a dedicated techie—the kind of person that could hack into things and fix other things on the fly. Another, meanwhile, was primarily a diplomat: high in charisma and intelligence, with skill points for smooth-talking and outsmarting…
I actually really enjoyed the last Spiderman game. Best one since Spiderman 2 from the old-gen days.
Why no original PS3 startup?
I'm pretty sure the point of "30 minute delivery" is that the delivery happens when you are home to pick it up immediately.
By safe, I mean all the other stuff I wrote after that word.
King is upset because he is by definition a populist writer. He writes horror, but he wants it to be safe horror, he doesn't really want to upset anybody. The movie was much better than the book. If he wants to get cheap commendations from the public by saying it's "misogynistic" than he'll do it. Seriously?…
Oh man, that realisation just made me really sad...
Next let's ask Naughty Dog why they don't port to Wii U.
Honestly, it's ridiculous that this has to be a question at all for Nintendo. No other company gets asked this, as it is obvious.
Dear Gawker sites,
Poor guy. I bet he feels like fuckin' shit.