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This is a great, in-depth, analysis of what happened to PG-13 over the years.

some cosplayers took pictures of the original parka while it was displayed in a museum.

see thread:

last month... have you gotten your bill yet?

yes, these clothes will fit the core fanbase.

Charlie, you are by far the world's most optimistic Sci-Fi fan.

this headline is the kind of thing that yahoo would return in a search when i was looking for "doctor who" related web pages before the 2005 relaunch.

did you watch the first video or the second? the second one is mind blowing. if you can' tell a difference between that and 5.1....

The Marvel films are closer to the Ultimate Universe, and Spidey in that universe was very much a teenager. His relationship with the Ultimates was really interesting and complex. That's the only reason I care about him staying a teenager for the films. White male scientist in his 30s with superpowers bumping up

why is obama's mirror so dirty?

I disagree. 2 scared the shit out of me as a kid. Freddy was really menacing in that film. Shot all in shadows, his voice was deep and growly... And he was wet and oozy. CREEPED. ME. OUT.

The two Marty article. I remember that one... Zemeckis debunked it in an interview.

It had this bug for a while where suddenly every tab would become the same page. The only solution was to shut the whole thing down and reload the tabs. Fucking annoying. Hasn't been a problem the last week (touch wood), but seriously. Fuck this browser sometimes.

you're both arguing the same point actually. Cole doesn't stop the apocalypse, the future isn't saved. he helps find patient 0, which allows the future scientist to come back, gather a sample and create a vaccine for the future-future. like, post-film timeline future.

YES! Thank you! EXACTLY!

It would be a great reveal if the scientists sent him back, knowing he'd fail.

I'd be happy with this. Although it makes the future scientists look like idiots... Unless they're playing their part and know they have to send Cole back because it's part of history.

it's the show's version of a heisenberg compensator, is what you're saying.

I thought the same thing. Either Cole is responsible for unleashing the virus, or he will ultimately fail, proving that we're dealing with a single timeline.

Except Back to the Future plays fast and loose with the time travel logic. Sometimes it's multiple timelines, and sometimes it's a single timeline. You can take certain liberties with the trilogy, because the writers never claimed to be trying to get it exact.

I still don't understand how Cole can possibly stop the apocalypse without causing a Grandfather Paradox. The series hasn't addressed that at all...