
Wolverine: Origins should just be forgotten.

Dear Dan Aykroyd,

he reflects light because he's the man of STEEL. get it? isn't that clever?

Although I get you're being sarcastic, you have to admit, if they made Revenge of the Nerds today, it'd seem a bit backwards.

I don't see what the deal is, the kid will be fine. One day someone will ask him why he doesn't have an e-mail address or a cell phone, and he'll let it slip that he's on probation for hacking, and he'll be a rock star at school.

nevermind, if anyone's looking, it's View > View Options, and select "by year".

anyone figure out how to sort albums by year? i liked that feature and now it seems to be gone...

can it be programmed to be my friend?

no, no, no... it's really shallow depth of field, so only noses are in focus.

"Director Zack Snyder explains how he and the rest of the production team approached the redesigned Superman suit"... in between rails of cocaine, while checking his phone.

if i take all of these and lots of them will i be the smartest one there is?

Hey Casey, I have a proposal for you. Why don't you invest 5000 in Apple, and I'll invest 5000 in RIM and we'll see where we are 2 years from now?

He may have learned that, but I'm betting his pocket book didn't. OH SNAP!

I think they can ask whomever they want, but a great number of directors with self-respect, will turn it down, there's too much baggage. It just isn't worth it. Except financially.

I'm not talking about how it will do at the box office, I'm talking about how it will do for their personal careers. Directors can get type-cast as well.

I think a lot genre directors are going to stay well clear of this because they don't want to feel the brunt of fan outrage... Lets face it, no matter how it turns out, a percentage will hate it and be very vocal with their hatred. It's a no-win gig.

I'm in a big building, so I sneak off to a floor where I don't know anyone.

yeah, uh, that could mean as little as 2 days after the launch...

awwe, nuts.

you win!