
Ooh I will look into that! Me and my 32Fs like this Panache bra:… I own three of them and can jog, do boot camp, etc. I used to be solidly in the "two sports bras!" camp but these are supportive enough that I can get by with just the one.

Hmm, interesting! On DWTS, they talked some about Charlie's girlfriend but conveniently no mention of a boyfriend of Meryl... so either they broke up (possible) or DWTS realized that mentioning Meryl's boyfriend would drive ratings down among chumps like me. Is nothing real!? :)

Oh no :( that makes me sad - I haven't watched since one of the early seasons and I think in that season he was always fighting with his partner or something. I'll return to my fantasy world and assume that all of those other rumors were just rumors but this one is REAL. (Or Maks has found a way to have a new

No kidding - that dance was amazing! I hadn't watched DWTS for years but somehow I caught one of their earlier dances and then watched most of this season only for them. Sadly my boyfriend is not an enthusiastic speculator on their relationship and acts like he hates it when I drag him into the room to watch them

Since you mentioned Meryl Davis / DWTS... can we somewhere have a discussion about the Meryl / Maks relationship?? So many questions: is it real? For show? Why is it so perfect? How did I never realize I needed them to be together??

A dancer friend of mine posted the AdWeek article on Facebook, along with a comment about the structural demands on the foot and leg when dancers are on pointe - I think the "danger" is around improper technique performing something that should require rigorous training.

Good luck! Hopefully kitty will turn up. A few years ago, I moved from a very suburban area to a very rural area and a kitty went missing after we'd been there about a month. I searched for him every night for weeks and then finally gave up hope - figuring suburban cat had no chance against coyotes etc and was

Disney is a highly profitable multinational corporation - I would be surprised if they DIDN'T have a good enough handle on their supply chain to come up with this. Getting some more mileage out of the production infrastructure for a $30 wig? Seems like a pretty solid, non-desperate choice.

Agreed. From the still shots, I was a little worried that she had gotten some work done because she looks really different, but watching the video it looks like a combination of overly heavy makeup and deeper red hair than usual.

I consider myself a pretty open-minded person, but my biggest red flag is when I'm talking to some guy for the first time and he says, "You seem really open-minded." Then it's decision time: I know shit's about to get weird, and I have to decide if it's going to be worth it to hear exactly where he's going with this,

I'm a recent LA transplant! Well... I guess it's actually been two years now. But it still feels recent!

I mean, okay, this is obviously absurd... but I am giving a "pass" to Nicki Minaj and Julie Chen because it's possible that their makeup was done to be viewed either from afar and under super bright lights, or on camera and under super bright lights. Once I watched a documentary about dancers in some famous ballet

Sorry, can't get too upset about this one... the college was very clear in their reasoning and it wasn't "because you're a lady who asked for more" and instead "because your request made it clear that your values are not in line with our values" (i.e. research vs teaching). Negotiations are, in one sense, an extension

Yeah, is there a GOOD answer to that question?? Like, "oh, well, I've been working out a schedule with the nanny and my mother-in-law to watch the kids, and I think if I switch to going to the gym in the morning and pack a lunch to eat as I drive across town..." There isn't a really good answer to "how will you

Yeah, so many questions here! Did she go for a run... in her little triangle bikini top... and then collapse? Why is she wearing shorts if it's a "bikini bridge"? Where are her shoes? It's kind of a "tanning" pose but it's partially in the shade? Is that green corner next to her hip a towel... that she's laying on...

I think Veep might be the most under-appreciated show on HBO right now. I'm judging "under-appreciated" by the number of blank looks I get when I excitedly ask people "Do you watch Veep???" Julia Louis-Dreyfus - seriously hilarious in it.

Oooh this is a perfect time to suggest that everyone watch Burning Love! Its a web series (I discovered it on Hulu) that is a scripted spoof of The Bachelor and it is just super funny. Very similar production style and similarly cringe-inducing but at least everyone is in on the joke so you don't feel bad laughing at

Ha, yeah, I hear you - I've had to do some trial and error with who I follow because the demographic definitely skews towards quick kid-friendly cooking on a budget. ("18 Ways to Use Campbell's Cream of Mushroom!!") The best luck I've found is to follow some legit recipe sources (Epicurious, Saveur, America's Test

Are you on Pinterest? I joined Pinterest shortly before Christmas and I already have "pinned" enough recipes to keep me cooking through the entire next year - just follow a bunch of cooking and recipe blogs (there are TONS) and pin all the stuff you like.

I went through the same thing when I first starting meeting people from online dating. The thing that helped me the most was to look at the pictures on my profile and reassure myself that they were a pretty accurate representation of what I look like. I mean, I obviously chose flattering pictures, but none of them