Ehh, I don't think Kylie's caption is that cryptic. It clearly tells me that she doesn't have a definition of monogamy beyond "something about sex or something".
Ehh, I don't think Kylie's caption is that cryptic. It clearly tells me that she doesn't have a definition of monogamy beyond "something about sex or something".
Sorry, can't get upset about this - I totally agree with the original email which pointed out that the soldier was wearing makeup in the picture. I'm not in the military and have never been in a combat zone (so maybe people like to keep up with their makeup routines even while deployed?) but I would agree that having…
I've had to go to weddings where I don't really know anyone (besides the bride and/or groom, obviously), and something that is comforting to me is that, especially at a big wedding, there is no one there who knows every single other person. Weddings always have lots of random outliers - childhood friends, distant…
Okay, I clicked on Lorde's blog entry in gleeful anticipation of doing some Liz Lemon-style eye-rolling at her overwrought teenage writing and Deep Reflections on Life but it was actually kind of nice and the little bit of angst in there came across as sweet. So good job and happy birthday, Lorde!
Homophobic? I don't actually see anything homophobic in that statement, unless you are somehow misinterpreting "assclown" as homophobic. At one point in my life, I checked all the words I use as insults to try to find neutral insults that target no particular group or stereotype and all the definitions I found for…
I hated myself for watching for the first half hour... but then I slowly came around to just marveling at the genius of the whole thing. I mean, every moment of that show was the CW showing the total understanding they have of the minds of teenage girls. If I were 14, I would have LOVED that show for the aspirational,…
Oooh, it took me until now to realize that Perez's nickname for Mischa Barton is pronounced "FART-one". I had read that back when I used to read Perez Hilton regularly (ugh, so ashamed) but I had always pronounced it "far-TONE" in my head and didn't really get it. Probably because I'm not a nine-year-old bully…
Yeah, I mean... it was dishonest but it's not something I feel super guilty about, more than a decade later. Also, probably my 14-year-old self really felt good about sticking it to The Man, regardless of how (in)effective my methods were.
Yeah, it's partially automated - it's hooked up to your TV so it knows what channel you're watching (and presumably, what's being shown on that channel), but it doesn't know who's watching, and they're very interested in demographics. So, each family member gets added into the system and when you watch something, you…
Well, mostly it was in hopes to garner better ratings for our favorite shows, and also to help skew in favor of more coveted demographics. Does anyone care if a 14 year old girl is watching a show? Sort of. Do they care if two 18-49 year old men (my dad and brother) were watching the show? Very much so - much more $$…
We were a Neilson family - had the box attached to the TV set - and spent all our time working diligently to mess up all of their data. You had to press buttons to indicate who was watching, so we would list everyone in the family (and a couple 'guests') as watching our favorite shows and then purposely not click…
I grew up with cats who roamed pretty freely both indoors and outside. I got my own two kitties about a year ago and decided they should be indoor cats, both because I worry about them getting hurt (my current place is about 100 feet from a busy road) and because I don't want them wreaking havoc on the local critter /…
Wait, but what about the last crucial step in the process?? If a woman is brought on to turn around a failing business, and then actually manages to turn it around... we should still be mad because we can't reach consensus on whether she's too girly (y u posing for Vogue, Marissa??) or not girly enough (y u not take…
Okay obviously this is awful... but on a hilarious note, I kept misreading "Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf" as "Miss Teen Wolf USA, Cassidy." I would definitely tune in to watch the Miss Teen Wolf USA pageant because I want to hear the contestants answer questions about equality for teen wolves and what life lessons being…
I'm an unapologetic napper. I take a 20-30 min nap most afternoons at work - shut the office door, put my feet up on a spare chair, and doze. For me, it makes the difference between getting basically nothing done between the hours of 2:00 - 5:30, and actually remaining functioning for the end of the day. GO NAPS!
They have to be nominated and approved by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Once they are approved, someone has to pay the fee to get the star created and inserted - sometimes a fan club, or a sponsor if they have a movie coming out and it will be good publicity. So they do have to pay a hefty chunk of change (I…
I've said it before and I'll say it again: James Deen. Was Christian Grey described as a "short, kind of skater-ish, Jewish dude"? No. But do I care? ALSO NO.
Nevverrrr! To the Rage Mobile!!
Ooohh Beverly Center is the WORST. Everyone there seems to be operating under the misapprehension that it is a *fancy* place where *movie stars* shop. Uhhh sorry Beverly Center, you are a mall. You have a Claire's, and a XXI Forever, and Panda Express at the food court. Beverly Center needs to calm the hell down.
1. I totally understand - one of my least favorite things is getting jostled in a crowd. I'm okay if I'm in a big group of people but no one is randomly running into me. Once I get inadvertently shoved a handful of times, I am SO. DONE.