
Aw, I always had a soft spot for Beverley Mitchell and I'm glad she actually seems nice in real life. Also I just Wikipedia'd her and found out that her husband is an accountant, which for some reason makes me like her even more.

Yeah, he came up when we were talking about the 50 Shades of Grey movie (which I suppose was already thin ice for appropriate work talk) and I was like "Oh, I would DEFINITELY see it if James Deen played Christian..." This was pretty much the dumbest thing I could have said because not only did it spark the "James

Sometimes I forget that he is a porn star and not someone to discuss in polite/work company, and then I start chatting away about how much I love him... and people are like "James Dean, the old actor?" and I'm like "No, James Deen... James Deen... ummm Google him on your phone, not on your work computer, D-E-E-N." The

YES! I am so sick of scrolling through Facebook and seeing everyone adopt the Cosmo recommendation of "how to look flattering in every picture": hand on hip, cross legs, turn slightly, lean slightly towards camera. There are other ways to stand!

I used to have a job where I did 4-11's and I don't know if I was happier but I did get to travel a lot more. Three days weekends! Perfect for a little jaunt. Now I'm back to working 5 days/week... which is a bummer on it's own, and also I got totally spoiled by the three-day weekends and trying to go somewhere for a

The compounding factor (in addition to being young/female) the made it strange was that they couldn't identify any sort of triggering event or underlying issue - from talking with the doctors, it sounded like they were expecting to find some sort of recent trauma (physical or emotional), or a family history of

Weirdly, it is a mystery how I got amnesia. I still have no memory of the entire day that it happened, but apparently I was at work and walked into my co-worker's office crying, was very upset and disoriented, had no idea what was going on. She called 911 and they took me to the Emergency Room and then admitted me to

True story: once I had amnesia. The doctors finally got me to understand / remember that I had amnesia, and I joked, "Well, if TV has taught me anything, it's that another bonk on the head will cure me!" I couldn't remember that I had already made that joke, and I made it over and over again. For days. It wasn't even

When I signed in to LinkedIn this morning, it thought I might like to read an article about how terribly Marissa Mayer is doing! The article was all, "I mean, stock prices are up 73% but WHATEVER." Thanks LinkedIn!

My introverted self agrees with everyone who says "OMG recording at the gym - Invasion of Privacy!!" but I have some friends who are dancers / performers and I think their reactions to finding their workout-dance posted to the internet would be something along the line of "YES BASK IN MY GLORY BETCHES". So, not to put

I spent an obsessive amount of time Googling stats on her weight / height / boob size etc. Must be irritating to her that it's all Google-able but I hope she knows that she's helping people - my research confirmed what I suspected, that she and I are nearly the exact same size (5'7", 160, lotsa boob), so when I'm

Yay for badass woman bosses! My old boss was a badass lady - always cursing in meetings and being generally outspoken, also very smart / funny / got shit done. I was sad to get promoted away from her but luckily have managed to keep her as a mentor.

Yeah, I hear you. I'm higher up in the company than some of the men who I call out and I don't really care that they have an inaccurate impression of me as an uptight no-fun-nick... but I agree with you that feeling alienated from your colleagues/peers is the worst. You're smart to go to a boss / manager - I should

Yeah, there are plenty of people in the world who have a very legitimate reason for carrying some Xanax with them. I was a little more amused that the assistant was like "She totes swiped my Vicodin supply!" Maybe I should give the assistant the benefit of the doubt that she had just had recent surgery or something...

I like how the assistant casually mentions that the actress took Xanax and Hydrocodone out of her purse. Those are some pretty heavy hitters to be toting around town with you, bb. Especially the Hydrocodone.

Here's the part that has really started to wear on me: I've always been a pretty laidback, easy-going type of person. BUT I work with a bunch of dudes and am not going to politely overlook any sexist bullshit. So I call them out whenever they say something sexist. Ugh, but it has turned me into a real cranky-pants! I

Ahahahahahaha - I hadn't seen that before but it's fantastic.

Oooh I hope that when she gets to the small town, she's a Big City Lady who is selfishly focused on Her Career but then she meets a man who teaches her about being Truly Happy.

Yeah, I was ready to be cranky about the 80 bridesmaids until I saw the dance academy / student connection and now I think it's actually really sweet. And I bet everyone had a lot of fun at the wedding!

Well, it's official: I am completely incapable of looking at Justin Bieber and seeing an adult man. The pictures are actually sort of cute in a "silly toddler took off all his clothes, scribbled on himself with a marker, and is running around with a toy" way. I bet he ran around like that for a while and then later