
I went through this weird phase in college where I kind of accidentally became a club promoter - I was talking to the manager at the club one night and he basically mentioned that if I brought a few (female) friends the next weekend, he would waive our cover and give me free drinks. Being a broke-ass college student,

I have a sports bra that's pretty ineffective for actual sports (I'm quite busty) but is actually pretty comfortable... I wear it a lot on the weekends and it's nice for when I'm moderately active. It just has some weird seams that show through shirts.

Oh man - part of the game has to be deciding which sports bra to put on: the one that holds them totally in place but also prevents you from breathing, or the one that is less supportive but doesn't hurt your rib cage. WHICH ONE??

I love it. These are the type of people I like to have around for the entertaining stories. The trick is to keep them in a special grey area in your life where you get to hear all their crazy drama and shenanigans but without actually getting embroiled in any of it. Co-workers are PERFECT for this. Just keep track of

Ugh, did you see the remarkably cringe-inducing Fox News interview with Reza Aslan, the entirety of which was the interviewer trying to subtly accuse him of... something... because he's a Muslim and he wrote a book about Jesus and whyyy would he do that. Aslan spent most of the interview explaining, in patient

Not okay.

Oh Orson Scott Card. Ender's Game was a HUGE influence on my life when I was young, and I devoured pretty much everything else he's ever written. When I found out that his political ideology was different than mine, it was actually difficult for me to grapple with. I think I was 20 or 21 when I became aware of our

Yeah, actually, it is sort of similar - both the Catholic Church and various universities and Greek systems have managed to persuade law enforcement that these types of things should be handled as internal matters. But it's not like we need to write a new laws that says priests aren't allowed to abuse children - we

Lower the standard of evidence to what?

There are already hazing laws in place - why not devote resources to enforcing those more strongly, rather than creating new laws that won't affect a significant portion of the population - i.e., the "rapist frat buddies" who aren't receiving financial aid?

I didn't go to a school where Greek life had any presence, so I think I come from a pretty non-biased viewpoint, and I have to say... I think I can understand what they're saying the challenges are. Basically, this would unfairly disadvantage financial aid students AND probably muddy the waters a bit in terms of what

Nope, still alive! And only 65 years old, so hopefully around for a while longer.

A baby step towards female analysts of color would be female analysts who do not have that weird shade of blond-ish highlighted hair. I guess it's written in the white lady rules that our entire life be a slow march towards all having the exact same skin and hair tone... I just realized that I'm leaving a snarky

Exactly! The best was the time I tried to do my usual "slink a little ways away and pretend I am in no way connected with this person", and suddenly the anger was focused on me: "DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'RE TOO GOOD TO GET UPSET!!" Yes. That was a thing that was shouted at me, at a hotel check-in counter, when I was 14. But

As someone who grew up with a mother who didn't hesitate to yell unreasonably about things... I wish I could make an "It Gets Better" video for the kid in the stroller. I know where you're coming from, little friend.

Yes, making generalizations about the e-mail habits of people in positions of power could potentially hurt their feelings! Better just make jokes about people who have had strokes.

Nah, no worries - I had some strange sexual stirrings about Prince Humperdinck from the Princess Bride, which was doubly weird because I was watching it with a bunch of friends at a sleepover and definitely had some "what are these feelings?!" thoughts.

Naveen Andrews, please don't do this to me. I already had major internal conflicts about how attracted to you I was during Lost even though you tortured people!? And now I'm somehow supposed to feel okay about being vaguely turned on by JAFAR!? Well, back to therapy!

It's funny - it's like once you achieve a certain level of importance, you suddenly stop giving a single shit about email grammar. I will compose an email to my boss, read it over, and then change something like, "oops, said 'assume' but I mean 'presume'! Glad I didn't send it like that!"... the response I get is

Verification would be good... but I can promise you that internet comment grammar is not necessarily a hallmark of someone's prestige. I work at a research hospital with some top-of-their-field physicians whose grammar ranges from "fine" to "cringe inducing".