
He actually isn't - he's kind of lanky because he's well over six feet tall, so I wonder if his height made the harness not fit correctly. But I have noticed that being overweight seems to be a common factor in some of these accidents.

Once I was at a different Six Flags park, and we were next in line to go on the swinging ship thing - you know, where it flips the entire "boat" fully upside down and you hang there for a few seconds. There were six in our group and only five seats left, so the employee reached down and RIPPED OFF an "out of order"

Ugh, I hate to admit it but it's true. I did NOT go to an Ivy League school - just a fairly middle of the road liberal arts school. Out of school, I managed to work hard and claw my way into an executive level position, so it's do-able... but a lot of the people at my level did go to "brand name" schools and put a lot

I have had to acknowledge, as I get older, that I generally love short guys with Napoleon complexes. Occasionally they can be intolerable, but usually they have developed big tough personalities to hide their little hearts of gold.

From now until forever, I will refer to it as "Durrr Pepper"

Good work! They should have warned us so we could all go do some bookmarking!! FINE. Scrolling through my history it is.

Oh, yay, hooray for Gail Simmons! I haven't watched Top Chef in years but I was always a fan of her. She seemed genuinely nice but also someone who knew her stuff. And she's pretty and curvy and gets to eat all sort of good food for a living... Gail Simmons can I PLEASE have your life?! (Oh, actually... except the

Yeah, I think I'm officially one of The Olds... because I spent a few minutes puzzling over the Miley Cyrus grill. Seemed strange that Miley would somehow have a product endorsement for Weber or something - and that Amanda Bynes would want to throw a backyard BBQ. Glad I'm not alone.

I honestly didn't know it was A Thing until a few years back. Since then I've tried super hard to erase it from my speech but I never knew until I was a camp counselor and one of my kids referred to "the r-word". I was like "whaaaat word is the 'r-word'???" The wonderful child was obviously super embarrassed for me

Ah yes, if there's one way to reach the North Koreans, it's via viral video. Nothing North Korean kids love more than YouTube parties... what with their lightning fast internet connections... and reliable electricity... The MRAs are really grasping at straws with that one.

Unbelievable. Feeling incredibly nauseated. Ugh, just the disdain and venom in their voices... disgusting. If any of these guys dare to claim "oh, we were just joking around and she couldn't take a joke"... just LISTEN to yourselves - pure objectification immediately transitioning to rage when she got up.

I hope that Jimmy Kimmel has some sort of pearl-clutching older aunt who was SHOCKED that someone would prank a wedding... and then was truly overcome by vapors when the prankster changed into a RED dress. The hussy! (Somehow I think Jimmy Kimmel's family is too cool for that, but I can hope.)

Ah yes, as a "pink" person... it does make me feel better to see other people get similarly pink. I blush easily and get really red when I exercise. It really bothered me as a teenager, to the point where I said something to my doctor... who calmly replied, "Yes, I would expect that with your skin tone." And, weirdly,

That's oversimplifying the situation. An increase in demand for quinoa also means an opportunity for farmers to raise their income levels, which in turn brings more money into their communities. True, some of the money that we are paying goes to distributors who weren't previously getting a cut, but the opportunity to

Ehhh I think if you were to make a map of the average cost per person of a wedding, it would look almost identical. I think that getting a venue and food for a lot of people is probably generally cheaper in the Midwest than on the coasts. (And I say this as a native Sconnie (aka from Wisconsin), please don't think

UGH. Why is Microsoft devoting all this money to subsidizing their VAGINA HAREM??

Oh yeah totally! Russia had women in combat roles in both world wars. From what I've read, there was still a somewhat paternalistic attitude towards them and they struggled to get promoted / rise through the ranks, but I always think of this when people claim that making more front-line roles open to women will

Oh man. I have heard many criticisms of Obama in my day but "subsidizing his vagina harem" is new and exciting! I shall spread the word that this is a thing! I don't even know what it means but I want to! If I can get all my conservative friends to include the words "vagina harem" in an outraged status, will

Whoa! My friend was looking at buying that house that apparently now Chris O'Dowd has purchased. Hmm... now, I just have to create some sort of romantic-comedy style set-up in which I accidentally run into him... in his own house! "Oh, I thought this was my friend's house! Meet cute meet cute!"

Yes - nightmares have been an ongoing issue in my life, to the point that I've sought professional help for them. The little mantra I like to repeat to myself is "the emotions were real, the dream was not." Dreams are a random assortment of images that your brain comes up while sorting through things - I like to think