
John McCain was in the Navy, not the Army...

I think part of the reason black cats are also difficult to adopt out is that it's tough to take a cute picture of a black cat. So many people look for pets to adopt on the internet, and black cats often wind up looking like black blobs unless you have good lighting and a good photographer - kennel/shelter lighting is

I created a now-infamous moment one time while out to dinner with a mix of friends/co-workers. I couldn't take any more of the running commentary about "good" or "bad" - i.e. the table praising one person for being "good" and ordering salad or groaning about being "bad" while eating bread. Finally I snapped out that

I think the real takeaway here is to determine when it's appropriate to be :-D and when not - and it's more a matter of "unlearning" the smile conditioning. When I was younger, I got sick of people interpreting my neutral face as sad or worried, so I basically trained myself to have a slight smile at all times just to

Dude, Magic Castle is TOTALLY related to this Dirt Bag because Neil Patrick Harris is the PRESIDENT of the Magic Castle! True story. What if you went... and he did an entire magic show... as Dr Horrible?! Amazeballs.

Ugh, the "first world problem" meme drives me nuts just to begin with because basically whenever people use it, it's pretty obvious they think of third world countries as having basically no developed cities or technology. "I had to wait forever for Starbucks this morning lol first world problem!" Nope, pretty sure no

"Bated" breath, not "baited". Unless people were attempting to lay some sort of trap with their deliciously scented breathing.

Her stuff was/is a preppy staple - there are WASPy women mourning the loss all up and down the East Coast. (For real - one of the preppiest women I know posted a Facebook status about Lilly decorating heaven in raspberry, lime green, and orange and the post has like 30 likes and 10 comments.)

I dated a guy for a while who was awful. Just really not skilled. And I gave feedback and tried to nicely improve his skills but eventually it was like the episode of Friends where Phoebe tries to teach Joey to speak French:

Here's why this bothers me: it's not that these ladies "saw something [they] didn't like", as in, scantily clad women are inherently offensive to other women and we hate them. I have no issue with dancers at a party. It's more that they threw a party and obviously didn't think about what would be fun for ALL their

I'm not even certain who you're referring to (Miley?) but I assure you that the smoothest pussies come from waxing, not shaving. See? YOU can learn something from US. How wonderful!

Ahh perfect! THAT'S the article I was hoping to read rather than the drivel above!

Yes, that's pretty much what I mean... If you were to ask most Americans, "How is St Patrick's Day celebrated in Ireland," they would probably answer something along the lines of, "I BET THEY'RE TOTALLY CRAZY MAN"... people don't realize that St. Patrick's Day as it's celebrated in the States is an American

Uuughhhh I thought this was actually going to be an article about how St. Patrick's Day in the US is a celebration of Irish-American heritage (however tenuous) and is different from St. Patrick's Day celebrations elsewhere in the world. The differences between the observations of St Patrick's Day in America and St

I am so glad to see the good advice from several people below, and I echo it: choose a practical path of study that is going to result in a good job. I went to college thinking I would major in English, and when I took some Economics classes for gen ed requirements, I realized that even though I didn't passionately

They also make me confident because I'm already a little tall but when I wear heels, I am taller than most of the men I work with. So, I might be conforming to one societal standard by taking shorter strides, but I'm also using a typically masculine tactic to my advantage - taking up more space as a way to assert

Pet peeve: guys who see high heels only in relation to THEMSELVES. I wear heels quite frequently (mostly for work) and if I ever make one little peep about my feet maybe being a little tired and sore, some guy nearby usually pipes up with something along the lines of "I don't know why women wear high heels. They are

Kids and teenagers are pretty self-absorbed - and I mean this in a non-judgmental way, just that you're still don't completely comprehend that people live their own lives completely separate from you. When I was 14, most of my thoughts about my father were things like "Why won't he let me go to that Dave Matthews

The whole time I was reading the dialysis patient / airplane story, I kept thinking: TRAVEL INSURANCE, PEOPLE! It's cheap and easy to purchase, and is a worthwhile investment, especially if you're going to a country where you're concerned about the quality of medical care. Even if you're healthy and traveling to a