Architeuthis Ex Machïna

You could say they were made for eachother.

Most books should be turned into 10-13 hour tv series to capture the full depth of a single volume, splitting a book into 4-5 hours across two movies is not an issue.

I’ve heard it both ways.

Agreed, too many humans in everything. I can’t even find sci-fi and fantasy books that aren’t completely overrun with humans.

My friend likes sweet drinks, and for a while would order sprite with grenadine with meals or if he didn’t want any more alcohol. We all knew what it was, and we’d tease him about it in private, but one time our regular bartender said, loud enough for everyone in the bar to hear, “YOU MEAN A SHIRLEY TEMPLE?” we all

I’m watching it on, season 1 is only 7 episodes.  I like it.

I never finished that, but my favorite scene is when they get invites for a wedding in Hell and Eric Andre groans “ugh, not a destination wedding.”  I don’t know why I stopped watching, I’ll have to get back to that.

I never heard of this show until I saw a commercial for season 2. I looked into it and saw that it is a total departure from the first season, which could be fun, I love a silly dark ages comedy.

This is the first episode in years that has left me excited to see more. I picked up on the chameleon circuit when the Judoon scanned Lee as human, I thought maybe he was another version of the Master... I never would have dreamed Ruth was the Doctor, but you felt that energy coming off her once she changed into the

I was waiting for someone in the show to explain it that way.

Michael’s suggestion is to reset their memories so they can re-experience joy, not obliterate them into mindlessness or non-existence. Absolute and total oblivion seems like an extreme solution to boredom, like setting your house on fire because you don’t like the color.

I wouldn’t mind it ending this way, but I wanted to see them struggle more with fixing heaven to earn the win. Also, it’s heaven, and while I get that eternal anything is going to become mind numbing, I feel like oblivion is a very earthly solution. I get Chidi’s reluctance to use hell’s methods- the reset proposed by

I don’t know, Hypatia is historically clever and she only snapped out of it because a philosopher came at her with insane enthusiasm to question her specifically, and also the special circumstance of Team Cockroach breaking the system by entering together. I think a lot of happiness zombies look pretty doomed.

I was afraid this was the last one, the way the episode ended. I’m not surprised the Good Place is broken, the good place committee is all we needed to see to know that was going to be the case; I just wish the events of this episode actually had some time to breathe. They get into heaven , find it broken and

The whole trilogy centers on Snow? I don’t know if I like that. I’m very against prequels, especially when they involve present characters, it’s better if they go way back to unknowns or legends.


it’s strange that this episode keeps stating that the multiverse no longer exists when we were explicitly told that it does.

Drunken piano player... yer probably seeing double.

I still say it all the time, along with so many others from Wayne’s World and the sequel.