Architeuthis Ex Machïna

I mean, yes, it would be easier if you knew the game, but it’s not like Valhalla is a concept invented by Ubisoft. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Norse mythology has probably heard of it. And even if you didn’t get that in grade school European history like I did, it’s hardly obscure knowledge, since it’s

Maybe, but I feel like I’m watching The Rock in every movie he makes. Matt’s right, his selection of roles comes off as extremely protective of his image.

The Rock has done 41 films since Be Cool, maybe we should think of that one as an outlier. I thought he was pretty great in Moana, though, so he’s 2-40 in his last 42 movies. 

Passengers sucked, but its problems weren’t the result of being a sci-fi film. It was:

would still hit it.

It sometimes blows my mind that David Pasquesi played both a gentle, idealistic seeker of truth on Lodge 49 and Selina Meyer’s shitbag grifter of an ex-husband on Veep. Mr. Immortal somehow lands between the two, a bit closer to Andrew Meyer.

The Lodge 49-ification of the MCU continues with David Pasquesi as Mr. Immortal.

Summoning this much anger on behalf of the world’s most cynically profit-minded production company is definitely a choice.

I think it’s trope subversion. And she’s not really all that much of a joke. Sure her initial first impression is of a 1 dimensional party girl, but all of her actions from the portal onward subvert that. The viewer would expect her to freak out and be some high maintenance, demanding entitled overly emotional mess

She’s a Jean Ralphio. By all rights, she should be intolerable, but by some miraculous synergy of casting, writing, and chemistry, she manages to be just on the right side of endearing in her intolerableness.

There was a day long ago.

In my lifetime I have seen many characters like Madisynn start out as annoying one note jokes only to become a popular fan favorite.

Or, hear me out. It’s showing what women go through at work and in life?

She’s better at controlling her rage which they explain so this allows her to change at will and she is more flexible. That’s two things. Not “everything”. Please let me know what I missed.

I should know better than to treat this comment as a good-faith argument about Bruce vs Jen’s abilities, even though it’s been a tired talking point for a month now since the first preview came out. But it should be stated at least once in the thread that this isn’t what the show actually depicted.

Completely expecting to read the word ‘Boardway’ a lot.

True, but I’d rather be a schmendrick than a schlemiel.

This was dead in the water from the start when they decided to keep the same arraignments. I’m not a fan of musicals to begin with, and I’ve worked on many back in the day before I got some film production work and left that behind, but an actor’s musical work on stage in any musical isn’t what you’d necessarily call

I read some of them and “reedy” appears to be the common descriptor amongst all of them.