Architeuthis Ex Machïna

In Russia, eyes google YOU!

Loved Space Marine so much, I hope the new one is similarly awesome. The MP was unexpectedly great, too, but that was definitely slept on.

Holy shit, how did I not know about Peter David writing a Coheed book?!

That.... is fair.

It was Fred Tatasciore, the guy is a top voice talent- he’s Megatron! I actually thought it was Bautista, forgetting that it was already out that he wasn’t asked.

Hugh Mann, now there’s a name I can trust!

Have him play himself and then Deadpool freaks out when he hears Jackman’s real accent and gets mad they didn’t cast a real Canadian as Wolverine.

I finally watched Clone Wars because Mandalorian renewed my interest in SW after the prequels obliterated it. Watching Clone Wars and the first two of the new sequels made me forgive the prequels, because as bad as they were, Clone Wars proved there was at least a kernel of an idea in them, while the sequels are just

Most hard-boiled egg recipes will tell you to cover your eggs with cold water, bring them to a boil, then cover and move them off the heat for 12 minutes or so. In my experience, this has always resulted in eggs that are impossible to peel.

Unless it is a month of Septa Unella following Benioff and Weiss around ringing a bell and chanting “SHAME,” I don’t care.

As much fun as Tudyk is obviously having on Resident Alien

Holy shit, I used to eat peanut butter and cream cheese, too! I thought I was the only one. When I was in grade school I liked PB and jelly, I liked cream cheese and jelly, so by the transitive property PB and cream cheese should work, right? And it did, I loved it... when I was little. After a few years, maybe late

Haven’t started the show yet, but the machine in the header image was my favorite part of the book, wasn’t sure if they would include it. Looking forward to it.

It stopped cold and the movie was pushed back after Sept 11th because it includes a bomb in an airport, which made people uncomfortable for some reason.

Kamala believes in heroes like Captain America, Thor, and Black Widow. She’s inspired to make the world better by their example.

I stopped reading it when she was oh so much smarter than dumb old Watson.  Fuck you lady, Watson is a hero.

My knee-jerk reaction is, hey, another holmes adaptation, neat!

Paul Feig is a talentless hack who gains fame off the charisma of his collaborators, but I love this show. The first episode is quite terrible, and would you believe that’s the only one Feig has a “written by” credit on? The rest is amazing. Even after screen went away I was able to find it by direct links and it

I liked the audiobook, Kevin Kenerly’s narration was great. Would be cool if he gets a part in the show, even just a cameo.

I barely made it through season 1 of Alienist, was surprised to see it pop up again this year and figured I’d give it a shot, even though I already decided I probably wouldn’t if it ever did come back. I made it through 2 and a half episodes before I just turned it off.