
I feel like this is the kind of thing where you just need to find the one person who wants this car but I’m concerned that person is also the one selling it.

There is nothing, NOTHING in a videogame that can prepare you for that level of force and power.

I don’t know whether these racist incidents are happening more frequently or just finally being exposed.

Well. There’s the “feel good” story we’ve all been looking for.

he probably refused to fill out the FAFSA because he understands that no university degree is worth $200k and didn’t want to saddle himself and his son with crippling 6-figure debt before the age of 22. that’s how i read it, anyway.

I agree, Ken. It’s nice to see a single player game be such a huge success and to be loved so much by the majority of gamers.

I think at this point there’s a division in gaming. Where you have gamers who exclusively play online multiplayer games, your Fortnites, Apex Legends and CODs. A Dr Disrespect type gamer. Then

Moreover, and perhaps more incredibly, its a hardcore game, a gamers game. a true work of art—its almost like a dream that the masses would actually buy and play an actual amazing game...not just the hugely advertised and derivative sequels like farcry.

Not even before they could, but rather because they didn’t. The school photo was illustrative of how they were so disconnected from their son and how the person (whom they treated more as one would a utility, if even an employee) they hired to care for him had more of a familial connection to him than they did. I

Not just single player, no Season Pass, no pre-order DLC, no exclusive content for buying Mountain Dew or Butterfingers or some dumb shit. Elden Ring is a genuine, full, complete game.

I play it exclusively solo. I keep online, because I like seeing the bloodstains where people die (especially in areas where I think maybe jumping down may be doable) or seeing the notes from people about traps or ambushes. Those have kept me alive more than a few times lol

I’m just really glad that a (mostly) single player game is getting huge recognition

Good point, though I got more a vibe that the kid was influenced by the nanny in life than the nanny was following them in death. It was like these two parents ignored the fullness and vivacity of the person they hired to take care of their child, and they had no clue just how impactful she was to their son.

Are there any Black A/V club members here? Kevin Samuel’s died a villian (appropriately, considering his vilotrol), but I think this episode was suppose to rehabilitate his imagine toward a more positive rebrand.

How the heck did Trini 2 de Bone lean towards horror? Smdh some of the reviews I’ve been seeing for this season are really telling when it comes to how unsettled they are thinking about race as anything but a slightly inconvenient but comfortable status quo.

The man who bought the school was none other than the recently departed Kevin Samuels.

George Wallace was excellent in this.

Because it’s a girl and a large portion of her viewers happen to be men. They would watch her watch an off-screen television and donate money if they felt she was attractive or were parasocial psycho enough to just cuddle up with a blanket and watch someone they don’t know do random things.

This is how Kotaku’s

Twinsies! I was also feeling self-conscious. I’m typically walking around with a staff in my left and katana in my right, but can swap the left to either a shield or another katana when I run out of FP or need to handle business more physically. I like the versatility of being able to cast, tank, or dual wield just by

The most important thing to remember about Elon Musk’s Eldenring build is that he’s a libertarian asshole who demeans and abuses his employees while taking all the credit for their hard work, coasting through things thanks to an army of idolating idiots who think success can only come from brilliance and not through