
Gaadamn this site has went down? what in the hell? A black interest site advocating violence?

If I had to guess, I think you don’t care for Max.

As soon as We Own this City come out on physical disk I am getting It. I get your point but I don’t want to run the risk of 2 to 3 years from now HBO Max change their stuff up. I need this show in my collection.

He built a charter school and pays for all of the student’s college. Leave him alone.

I am old but I don’t think I am an “old”. I like today’s hip hop and listen to a lot of artist even those that are more my son’s age. However, I find myself still listening to mostly old school RnB. Also when RnB was arguably the best in the 90's that was when he was dominant.

Hype wow brother it has been years and I am still seeing some of your takes since way back to the Hudlin forums. Are your writings collected anywhere? Good to see you still holding it down for the culture.

Aww man. Congratulations on your career endeavors. Any idea where we can read you going forward?

Herschel is a hell a lot older than 50. It makes a difference. He is a boomer.

With chicken if you want crust just put olive oil on the meat and then add your seasoning. Gives a nice crust/bark.

Damn I like West, but shit if this ain’t at least partly true.

My ex 99 camaro had a hard shift going on. Took it to a transmission shop, they said a diagnostic would be $394 and they would take that off the price of any repair. They called back while I was at work after dropping the car off with a whopping 3k for the transmission repair. I was like no way. The mechanic said that

What if I told you about 15 to 20 years ago one of the officers (guess who) got me out of a bench warrant when my young and dumb ass forgot a court date for a speeding ticket. Talked to the judge and spent his personal time to show up to see to the judge dismissing it. It blows my mind how casual racism is to white

I almost died at the small and thin so lots of guns part. Fat niggas be having guns to.

I would settle for a weekly show based on the 90's Spike Lee produced Drop Squad. Oh that movie so needs a 2020 update. I would read fan fic from the movie. 

I wish once. Just once. And I would respect it more if one...just one of these say something racist, get caught and then ain’t me jokers would simply say....I said what I said. Despicable yes but at least honest.

Crystal light gives me heartburn so bad I swear I am having a heart attack. What is that about? The four of five times in life I inadvertently drank crystal light I legit thought this is the big one. If someone wanted to murder me...crystal light.

Crystal light gives me heartburn so bad I swear I am having a heart attack. What is that about? The four of five times in life I inadvertently drank crystal light I legit thought this is the big one. If someone wanted to murder me...crystal light.

I must read your stuff too much, because I remember this story. DY you crazy. I wish somebody would diss my beverage of choice in my own crib.

I am thinking about firing up the grill. Maybe some Godfather’s pizza. Naw it gives me heartburn.

Our cause speeds on it's way!!