
I did say it was a rhetorical question!

You might be a good editor, but you apparently suck at paying attention. This site got strip-mined years ago. The quality control got sold off to fatten finance chode pockets.

Not really sure what I just read.  Pretty sure it was about a movie, but other than that, I just wasted 5 minutes of my life to learn nothing..  Got my click though, so there’s that I guess...

Look, I’m glad they let you out the house to watch a movie, and that it had an impact on you, but I’m the head editor for a content writing agency in real life, and I swear, if an article like this crossed my desk it’d go straight to another writer to rewrite.

Call people out for that sh*t.” - I absolutely agree with you my friend. The writer of this article is wild for suggesting that MBJ would’ve been better off quietly accepting his wins in life. He’s an excellent actor and entertainer with so much more to show (his directorial debut in the Rocky/Creed movie franchise

Wrong. He was 100% right to call her out. Bullies need to be called out and reminded that their behaviour hurt people. even years after. 

Nah! I think what he did was perfect. He made people all over the country who have been bullied or are being bullied happy. Call people out for that sh*t. There are kids right now who are being bullied who can look at his example and feel, “one day I will be somebody and they will be sorry.” Plus, I don’t think he was

What are you talking about? Are you insane? So the next time someone says some more foolishness to me or just trifling, they deserve to be slapped? My Pops slapped me in the face when I was 16, 40 years ago and I still feel it. My crime? Skipping school. The result was a decades-long estrangement. I don’t know if you

The basic premise of people in leadership not being on the field of play in order to be injured invalidates this study. Coaches don’t play football, they teach it [an oversimplification, but so is her thesis].

Good thing TheRoot is here to shame them! I wish Panama Jackson was still around to write a Very Smart Brothas column shaming them, too bad he quit before this auspicious day came!

Amazing story.

Just curious. Can anyone explain the origins of names like “SonStar” and “DayStar”? no judgement on that front.

Seriously, Chancellor Elwood Robinson? What kind of bullshit is this? As a black man, you cannot sit highly on a policy of “arrest first; sort it out later” when you’ve got cops on a white woman’s speed dial. The open ability to abuse that system, destroy student/teacher relations, and put young adults into incredibly

Imagine crafting your entire life and identity around the idea that an orange goblin who looks he’s made up of 300 pounds of Mountain Dew Code Red is some kind of superhero or tough guy.

I’m so torn; there are three ways I’d love to see this show go:

I tend to take myself a little too seriously sometimes.” — Zoe Saldana.

...don’t underestimate my intelligence and know that I am an adult. I will be discreet.”

Update: I was bored. Turns out you’re right, his net worth is just over a million dollars. He probably could have saved more.

I get where he’s coming from, but Scorsese is still out there making classics at 80.