
The photo up top is actually not of a Goodwill retail store, but a Goodwill Outlet store. If you’re unfamiliar with them, that’s basically where they take stuff that didn’t sell in the regular retail stores, wheel it out on the floor in big, blue, unsorted bins, and give people a few hours to rummage through each bin

I think they are giving him the “mid-pack” hope-for-a-SC tire strategy and it keeps paying off, where Hamilton gets/opts for the better pace strategy and keeps.... not paying off.

Atlanta goes over MANY people’s heads. Some of the criticism misses the wry humor and social commentary.

Huh? Neeson didn’t make racist comments in 2019. He came clean in a story in 2019, about being a racist decades ago in the 70s. The alternative to telling the story is he could have just not.. and we never would have known. But he came clean about it and the growth he experienced in the decades after.

In 1982 I saw them both at the same time with my father and brother. Dad bought tickets to Tron, we watched it and then snuck into the next theater for E.T.

I’ve always been partial to 1997. LA Confidential (straight-up masterpiece and in my all-time top 5), Boogie Nights, Good Will Hunting, Jackie Brown, Full Monty, Titanic, Donnie Brasco, Starship Troopers, Con Air, Face Off, Austin Powers, Contact, Fifth Element.  Lot of enduring classics in that list.

100% right.  These were the days (and there were many more to follow) that the Academy refused to honor anything other than (perceived) prestige pics.

1982 is usually my pick for greatest year of movies (at least in the ones I want to see). 1999 is also really up there.

It was similar to the Jimmie Walker scenario on Good Times. The Urkel character eventually “overtook” the emphasis by the show’s writers, producers and network executives wanted more “antics” for ratings— meanwhile the two parents had to take several seats back as sidekicks and foils. And of course, the kid who played

No one condoned violence and did you even read the article? Jaleel White threatened to physically attack a woman over an disagreement because he couldn’t get his way. Jo Marie Peyton has a right to defend herself if someone threatens to fight her. Where is all this energy in condemning Jaleel White for his

That’s mighty white of you.

As a Black Ob/GYN, I am terrified. Overturning Roe v Wade does not stop abortions, it stops safe and legal abortions. The majority of currently working Ob/GYNs, Emergency physicians, Family medicine physicians, and General surgeons have either NEVER seen, or have not seen for a long time, septic abortions. Septic

Let’s be real, in most places if the middle managers aren’t being seen in the office what exactly do they add to the bottom line? Workers don’t need them per se, they don’t have nearly as much functional value as they’d like to think and if the work can be done more efficiently from home, what are middle managers

Making sure the recurring meeting schedule is adhered to in the strictest sense?

Middle Managers are scared to death of a broad adoption of “work from home”. Because they generally (yes, there are great middle managers, I’ve worked for a few over the years) don’t have the same concrete technical skills as the people who report to them, they don’t contribute directly to the bottom line.

A Quest 2 is 300$ brand new. It’s a standalone device.

rune arcs are the worst. I spent god knows how many on Maliketh, until I had to force myself to stop. 

I think it can’t help but feel a bit rushed towards the second half, when it’s trying to squeeze in a whole new cast and suggest all of Cap’s WW2 career in a series of montages and quick cuts. Steve Rogers is great as an earnest fish out of water in the 21st century, but I could also happily watch a whole flashback

Yeah, BP was good, but unimpressive. I hope Coogler can really let loose in number two. I want an action scene as dynamic as those in Creed.