Because his dark power is making people believe the fact that he revels in lying like a pig in shit is actually honesty. “He’s so truthful about his lies! What a refreshing difference!”
Because his dark power is making people believe the fact that he revels in lying like a pig in shit is actually honesty. “He’s so truthful about his lies! What a refreshing difference!”
Yes. And it’s not just big whoppers or self-aggrandizing stories, it’s the tiny, little, easily refutable, reflexive lies that kill me. “The NFL wrote me a letter about the debate schedule!” No, they didn’t. “I have a fact checker on my website!” No, you don’t. “ICE endorsed me!” Also no. “I won all the polls!”
“He may now bend the concept of fact as well.”
“The ‘s’ in Illinois is NOT silent, believe me.”
I want to know how he pronounces Oregon and Wisconsin so I can silently correct him.
they haven’t already? clearly this article and the themes behind the movie are lost on you. your opinion about whatever you think Clinton lied about is not equal to the fact that she has been raked over the coals and the FBI found nothing criminal.
For history geeks I can also recommend Lying about Hitler, by Richard J. Evans. He was one of Lipstadt’s expert witnesses for the trial. Under British law at the time, it was a complete defence against libel to prove you were telling the truth. So Lipstadt’s defence hired Evans to check a representative sample of…
As an aside; I love Timothy Spall. He is such a fantastic actor. I have often wondered what an actor needs to do to prepare to portray a truly terrible person. Not a character like Peter Pettigrew, but a living real person who is demonstrably awful.
I would recommend the very readable and fascinating book ‘Telling lies about Hitler’ by UK historian Richard J Evans for those who are interested in this trial. He was one of the expert witnesses.
In the sorely underrated Errol Morris doc Dr. Death, he examines holocaust denial via Fred Leuchter, who originated the titular Leuchter Report that claimed there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz.
If you’ve never read Lipstadt’s books—particularly Beyond Belief: The American Press and the Coming of the Holocaust—drop whatever you’re doing and hit up Amazon. Not only is she a brilliant writer, but she holds up no sacred cows. Everything is on the table.
I’m so glad this movie means this story will be seen/heard by more people.
This is horrendous. But if nothing happened after Sandy Hook, I don’t know what is going to change in your country.
Sociopathy isn’t the only cause of horrendous acts of violence committed by a child. Horrific abuse can also teach them to do things like this too.
Agree. He’s a child. A very very sick child. I hope he gets help and spends the rest of his life trying to make up for what he did.
That’s what I don’t understand about the obsession with gun ownership. I live in a country where gun ownership is very tightly controlled (and the schools don’t have to have mass shooting drills). If you have a gun for hunting fair enough - lock it away and take it out when you need to use it. If it’s for home…
...yes? Context is always useful. It can help us understand what systems went wrong. Untreated mental illness? Bullying? Neglect at home? Radicalization? Etc etc etc.
I don’t. A child who’s done monstrous things is still a child. We consider children to be too immature to make their own decisions in other contexts, we don’t get to throw that out the window when it comes to crime.
I hope that this family, in all their endless suffering, is at least spared the “truther” stuff the Sandy Hook families endure.
Children killing children. The heart just aches with infinite pain, and also, with empathy. God almighty. This is us. Who we are. A father is gone. An innocentc child suffered and died. Another child’s life is over if it already wasn’t. There but for the grace of God.