
It’s more specific than that. It seems like: [Correctly remembers that someone spoke.] [Completely misrepresents the substance of what they said.] [Makes a claim about something happening that’s utter bullshit.] [Correctly remembers that someone spoke.]...

He also establishes a pattern where if he says something will happen and it does, it’s because HE’S ALWAYS RIGHT. If he’s actually wrong, then something something excuses alternative facts SEE I WAS ACTUALLLY RIGHT YOU JUST HAVE THE WRONG FACTS. And will apologize for nothing.

You forgot compulsive use of the terms ok?,” “you know,and people say.

I love that he says it as though it’s a badge of honor, and not because he’s likely more corrupt than Nixon ever dreamed possible.

I can’t believe you redacted his statement that he’s going to beat Nixon for most Time covers. That is for sure going to happen.

reading this you can also map out Trump’s speech patterns

Let’s be clear, we’re reaching the point where Paul Ryan better be concerned about personally winning re-election to the House. Like, it’s that bad. And, it’s GOING to get worse because more tapes are coming.

And that data is pre-pussy grabbing tape, to boot!

Anyone see the new national NBC/Wall Street Journal poll? Clinton is up +11 in the four-way, and +14 in the head-to-head. This is up from +6 in the four-way and +7 in the head-to-head last month. She is absolutely surging.

Baby steps...

Silly Paul Ryan, you can’t uninvite herpes

Particularly since Republicans have spent years redrawing voting districts and disenfranchising minorities in order to end up in this position. If it weren’t for the fact that we are ALL paying the price I would definitely enjoy the schadenfreude. . .

He’s all hole, baby!

It couldn’t have happened to a bigger group of assholes.

I almost feel bad for him. Almost. But he and all his GOP buddies created this racist, homophobic, sexist monster. They need to live with it.

Woah, what a guy! He “won’t defend” racism and sexual assault! This is the hero the Republican party deserves.

Paul Ryan and his constant performative“struggles” around whether or not to support Trump are among the most secretly exhausting aspects of this campaign. I’m sick of this clown pretending to be trying so hard to come to a principled position on racist, misogynyst, bigoted Trump. Nobody is impressed by your

Remember that scene at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark where they unleash the old Testament ghosties who start killing all the Nazis, and there’s a few regular Nazi soldiers who were sort of minding their own business but the ghosties killed them too, and for a second you’re like hey man what did those guys do