
When I read ‘Terrence Sterling’ I thought to myself, “which unarmed black man was he...?” because there have been SO MANY. That’s how fucked up this is. There’s a long list of black men and women who were killed by police in my mind. Too many.

The cops say he “rammed” them with his motorcycle. SMDH who the fuck rams a car with a motorcycle?

The worst thing about the incident with the 15-year-old girl is that they slammed her against the wall, brutalized her all in the name of taking her to the hospital then didn’t take her anywhere near the hospital they took her to their manky station.

That’s what it sounds like-- I just looked at the Daily Beast article, and somebody mentions point blank, “there’s no law that says you have to accept medical attention”. (i.e. otherwise every Jehovah’s Witness in Maryland would be in jail, I guess)

Yeah, where was “I know you feel okay but, since you’re under 18, we really need to wait until we get ahold of your parent before we send you home just in case. So let’s just sit here for a minute until we hear from your family”?

Newt’s also very self unaware. He regularly attacks people for infidelities (like Bill Clinton in the 1990s), when he cheated on at least two wives-- both of whom were sick. Him talking about a woman gaining weight fits that pattern. Newt is apparently unaware that he looks like porky pig

Newt will talk to literally anyone willing to put a rubber chicken on his plate and a microphone in front of his face.

That America is being taken down by a combination of celebrity worship and petulant whiteness is a pretty good argument in favor of a god who loves ironic punishments.

Donald Trump just cannot help himself. He doesn’t have the self reflection or intelligence to know when he has lost. What does surprise me is Newt Gingrich getting in on this. Hear me out....Gingrich is a very seasoned politician. He isn’t some trust fund asshole and reality star, he is deeply entrenched in politics


yeah it was in my neck of the woods, Hagerstown, Md. they claimed they were detaining her because she was too young to refuse medical attention, then pepper sprayed her and took her to the station and booked her. They never took her to the hospital.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

Officially, they had to make sure she was okay because she could be injured . . . and they did that by pepper spraying her repeatedly and then never taking her to the hospital. Evil.

But what was her crime? What was the thought process here? You feel fine enough to not go the hospital so I’m going to kick your ass and pepper spray you so you do? More likely they wanted to punish a little black girl for having the temerity to tell them no. I mean, was she in custody at the time?

Technology exists today that would allow cops to keep their body camera running for their entire shift. The fact that it wasn’t on should result in disciplinary action at the very least.

There’s a fb page celebrating and defending him. There was a post last night victim blaming. I reported it and got a standard reply back saying they checked it and it wasn’t against their community standards.

There is a racial element when you look at Facebook and see endless racial and ethnic slurs left there. But this actual true thing - about a well to do white kid - stands?

“According to the spokesperson, the removal may have stemmed from confusion over Turner’s public versus private status: he was initially classed as a private individual, but the uproar over his recent sentencing has drawn him into the public sphere.”

Yeah, racial issues wouldn’t exist if those who are negatively affected by white supremacy would just shut up about it, right? And to compare what kinds of racist, misogynistic, and homophobic things FB regularly tolerates to their deleting a true statement about an actual convicted rapist is just sooo inappropriate,

Holtzclaw also trots out the ole “they did it for the money” explanation for why he is spending the rest of his life in jail for the sexual assaults he committed.