Er, yeah, but I think with those guys it goes a little deeper than “fuckboy.”
Er, yeah, but I think with those guys it goes a little deeper than “fuckboy.”
Nope. It’s a horrific tragedy...and only the most recent one in that part of the world.
Based on the original inquiry it is in response to this is basically a rundown of best practices to do right by Allah’s will. Mostly guidelines to be the best slave owner you can be: charming, huh?
Normally I wouldn’t respond to a troll but you caught me on a bad day and your comment is trash.
But that was 1,500 years ago. Times have changed. Modern men should be just that, modern. There are slave guidelines in the Bible too but slavery is frowned in Christian nations because, again, modern times.
I absolutely do comprehend that. Not everyone exposed to the factors you have mentioned chooses to go down the path that these people have chosen. My understanding of how ISIS came to exist in a global political context does not diminish the evil of the acts they are committing.
The prissiness about not raping sisters or mothers and daughters at the same time is astonishing, because we’re literally talking about raping people.
And what’s the punishment for failing to adhere to these rules? Brutal death, or a light slap on the wrist?
I think is is also about making sure that they, the murderous rapists, do not make themselves ritually unclean in any way.
You need to correct your liberal friends at MSNBC. Their headline is:
This makes me want to fucking vomit. Although my initial instinct is to wish the most horrific possible violence upon these men (and I’m not entirely convinced that’s not the right take) ultimately what I really hope is that either in this life or the next, they are given complete comprehension of the evil they have…
I’m so glad they cleared that up. I was just about to intercourse with one of my captives who was menstruating and nothing chuffs me more than a faux pas.
Good job to your friend. I think strangulation is a pretty common domestic violence crime. I’ve had it done to me to the point of unconsciousness and the person who did it bragged that he knew how to do it with out leaving marks. I’m so glad that it is a separate and more serious offense.
Uh, “helped in some of the work” meant in this case, was a low-level staffer involved on the project to help get the law passed. Never implied they were famous or even particularly influential. And another commenter even posted that she also was involved in Minnesota’s law, so lots and lots of people worked to get…
Punching down is fun! There’s almost no consequences! LOLOLOL!
I didn’t know this. When I was assaulted he put his hands around my neck four times. Once to throw me a few feet and another time to call me a drama queen and “show” me what it would it feel like if he “really wanted to kill” (his words) me.
Golightly shares some of Cumia’s nasty sense of humor, making jokes on Twitter about Muslims, “transsexuals,” and, a few days ago, a crack about domestic violence
I was just talking about this topic yesterday. Humor can be mean or gross or offensive sometimes. But being mean or gross or offensive is not humor in and of itself.