I would totally purchase a headstone that read: “Here lies a thin cardboard box of urine and blood soaked diapers and maxi pads, courtesy of the State of Ohio. May it rest in peace inches from your loved ones.”
I would totally purchase a headstone that read: “Here lies a thin cardboard box of urine and blood soaked diapers and maxi pads, courtesy of the State of Ohio. May it rest in peace inches from your loved ones.”
Duuuuude, if we could miscarry intentionally (which would be a feature, and not a bug, like it is now), WHY WOULD WE EVER HAVE ABORTIONS? For fuck’s sake, Republicans! At least try to keep the story straight, Jesus Christ.
Agreed, but to some people the response to “I had a miscarriage” is “Well, what did you DO? Were you driving a car? Walking outside like some street hussy?” It’s like unless you’re the perfect handmaid to bear a child you did something fucked up and need to be taught a lesson. It’s anti-woman and anti-health.
Yet another argument for making a new law that bans men from making laws about what women do with their bodies. They have no fucking idea how they work, why are they making laws about them?
Oh, totally!Women’s bodies totally have a way of NOT shutting the whole thing down, you know? Like, miscarriage is a CHOICE. They’re not trying hard enough.
100 years from now, school children will read about these people and think the same way about them that we did while reading about slavery. I hope every one of their names are prominently mentioned in textbooks about how their hatred of women was disguised as concern for life. Give them the credit they so richly…
What does “undergone” mean? I had a medical abortion (meaning, drug-induced) at 6 weeks. Would this have required that I avoid the toilet and bleed and urinate into adult diapers that I then place in a coffin and purchase a cemetery plot for? Because that’d be one of the grossest and most ridiculous things I could…
I’ve had two miscarriages. One at 6 weeks, one at between 9 and 10. There was nothing to bury. It was essentially the heaviest, most painful periods you can imagine. I’m not cremating or burying what amounts to a large blood clot. Fuck these people. Fuck em right in the eye.
I’m so sorry. My first, very wanted pregnancy ended in a miscarriage but much later in the first trimester had so I had to have a D&C. I cannot even imagine having to deal with this on top of it. Plus, for whatever reason they forgot to test the remains for genetic abnormalities and weeks later my doc at the time was…
Not that this makes any sense, but I think those people legit feel that miscarriages are intentional.
Only a viking burial will do for my aborted fetus material, thanks.
There is none - this goes beyond a veiled attempt at making women birthing vehicles and actually punishes women for failing to produce the next generation.
If they’re not successfully carrying babies to term, they must be womaning incorrectly. Or something.
Every time I think, “Wow. These people can’t possibly come up with anything more disgusting and reprehensible than this,” I am severely disappointed not long after. WTF, people?!
Breaking news from Ohio: A new law will require that any woman who has an abortion must hold a full age appropriate birthday party for the fetus every year until said fetus is 18 years old. Furthermore, said woman must include fetus in all holiday card photos and will take to Disney world at least twice in said…
Because some people don’t understand how birth control works. For example some people think birth control pills cause miscarriages and therefore those miscarriages are actual abortions. I personally think that’s nutty, but I’m just relating what I’ve read on other comment boards.
What’s the logic for shaming and punishing women who have miscarried? Is it just because some of those miscarriages *might* have been self-induced abortions?
The war on miscarriage completely boggles me. Like I get pro-life , don’t agree but understand the moral argument. But miscarriages are usually unintentional and so like leave these often grieving women alone. It’s on them to decide if they want to mourn and then how they choose to mourn.