but what is fashion santa is a secret muslim? i mean, he’s so beardy!
but what is fashion santa is a secret muslim? i mean, he’s so beardy!
I’m sure it was the number of women, but even more than that—THE FACT THAT THE ASSHOLE USED HIS PATROL CAR, TO HUNT THEM DOWN. If it hadn’t been for the GPS trail proving he was in the area at the time of the rapes (and allowing the investigators to go searching for victims), personally, I think he’d still be out…
I’m just glad that 13 of those charges involved the 13 women that testified. To be able to get up in court like that takes true courage, and I certainly do not blame the other women who decided not to take the stand. It shows (at least I hope) that the jury took all 13 women seriously, and that 5 more cases had enough…
There’s this, too:
45 hours for 36 counts, so just over an hour for each. Can you imagine THEIR exaustion? Such relief.
These assholes always see themselves as THE only victims in these situations. Everyone else usually conspires against them.
According to OKC press, found guilty on: 4 first-degree rape charges; 1 second-degree rape charge; 4 charges of forcible oral sodomy; 6 charges of sexual battery; and 3 charges of procuring lewd exhibition. Jury recommended sentences totaling 263 years in prison.
He actually says to the jury as he approaches the bench, “how could you do that? how could you do that?”
Rage. Blinding rage. How could THEY do that? I hope this fuckin’ guy really enjoys his possible 263 years.
18...out of 36. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad he’s been found guilty at all. I had my doubts the jury would do the right thing . I know there’s some nuance here about why he was found guilty of only half of his charges that I’m probably missing. I just would’ve preferred to hear “guilty on ALL counts”. Still, watching…
I think it’s more like:
“I get so enraged when my DOCTOR, who thinks he’s SO SMART, tells me “Topher, quit drinking bleach - it’s not good for you and you’ll die.” Well, I proved him wrong! I drink bleach EVERY DAY and I’m healthy AS A MULE.
Me too seriously. I don’t know what I would do if he won.
But remember, Ted Cruz, who we know for a fact totally was not born in the US of A is still totally qualified to be president.
Yeah. I want my president to be better than I am. Because I’m a super-flawed person who should never be put in control of anything too important because absent a supervisor I will just spend my time fucking around rather than getting work done.
Or “we don’t really know what happened”.
You can’t take away someone’s guns for being an alleged wife beater and rapist, you have to be convicted. The 2nd Amendment should never be threatened by a lying woman.
hahahahaha, excellent point.
Legally, in CO.
How many times do we have to see the “long history of violence against women” pop up in stories like this before monsters get held accountable for their actions THE FIRST TIME. I dream of a world where you’re held accountable for your heinous crimes no matter who the victim is. That alone makes me sick, I don’t even…
Nice to see he could still get his hands on a gun with all that lovely, violent, Grade-A-fuckadoodle back story to him.