This is not just appropriation, this is outright stealing a specific work of art for profit without the original artist’s consent.
This is not just appropriation, this is outright stealing a specific work of art for profit without the original artist’s consent.
Of all the spots inside the church she could have chosen to set her baby down she probably chose the nativity scene because nativity scenes include a little baby bassinet for the baby jesus. It’s not rocket science.
The nativity scene is in a church. A church is by law, not neccessarily in practice, a safe place to leave your baby.
Why would a nativity scene inside a church be any less safe than anywhere else inside a church? He’s a newborn, not a toddler. He’s not going to roll over, crawl away or do anything besides cry and draw attention to himself.
I don’t see how anonymously leaving a child in a warm, safe building where it was technically legal to leave him is trying to make the news. If anything, she seemed to be trying to avoid human interaction altogether.
A church is a legit safe haven, according to the law.