Pipsqueak Vegemite Eater

In my misspent youth I worked in radio and one year we had a contract to promote green tomato sauce (NZ’s version of ‘ketchup’). We sent out teams to make free burgers at lunch time, giving the punters a choice of the ‘ordinary red’ sauce or the green one. Approximately 1% of people chose the green sauce and not a one

I just think it’s really sad that anyone would consider keeping either no books or a minimum of books (and no, online books don’t count). I understand having the occasional cull but really, books = life, you can’t ‘read’ (effectively) from a screen, and is it just me or is the idea that books = elitism a really bad

Libraries also sell old books; a lot. That’s where I get some of mine. Just because something isn’t ‘popular’ anymore, or ‘new’, doesn’t mean it has no value.

Oh Hell Yes! I agree 100%. And I have moved a lot in my life - you just box those books up and move on in. I understand not everyone is a book person but honestly, there are so many pleasures and advantages to owning a million books (most of mine second hand BTW because books cost a heap to buy in my country) that I

New Zealand. I worry about the same thing. 

In my country there’s huge pressure to birth your baby at home with no pain relief and if you do go to hospital or a birthing centre, to go home the next day. It’s fueled by those (IMO idiots) who claim that childbirth is ‘natural’ and women have been doing it successfully for centuries and we don’t need Man’s

I hate this song. A department store in my country used a version of it as their jingle and so now all I think of is “eh, it’s that bloody Farmers song.” Plus it’s boring. Meh.

That’s a terrible shot. Priyanka looks like she’s about to eat him.

Oh, Gyneth Paltrow has a weakness for *pollock* powder. I assumed that said *bollocks* - as in, everything she says, does or endorses.

Oh I totally agree; ‘sex’ ed should be comprehensive and cover far more than just sex. 

I’m in New Zealand, and in pre-natal care we are absolutely warned about prolapse and encouraged to do pelvic exercises, etc. It’s a normal part of the care you’re given.

You know what I fucking hate? This shit:

The only ‘inconvenience’ I’ve had from a Muslim was needing to make a different birthday cake than I’d planned for my daughter’s birthday so that her friend could eat some. Christians, on the other hand...

New Zealand isn’t! We’ll send normal people over. 

Looks like a good, funny ‘not heavy’ movie but ouch, that line about “people look me in the eyes!” hit me hard. I’m ugly (and now older than 40) so apart from the occasional retail person, people don’t look me in the eyes and haven’t for years. Made me sad, that bit.

$125K a year? That leopard print top begs to differ.

Yes, very much. How is this happening in a civilised society?

Another quick one from the same period of their lives: Dad had a best friend all through his teenage years who was battling some serious demons. By all accounts he was a great guy but badly troubled, and one day was found dead with a shotgun beside him. Dad took it badly - really badly. And it didn’t help that there

Oh boy I have plenty of stories... the ‘ability’, if you will, comes through Mum’s family. This is one of the few times it was useful and dramatic, but there are plenty of less spooky stories :)

Ok. So this story is about how my mother saved my father from dying.