Pipsqueak Vegemite Eater

My sister took advantage of lots of therapy moving online at the beginning of the pandemic, finally convincing her dude of 15 years (they have kids together, too) to try it. A few weeks in the therapist followed up with my sister individually and recommended she see a different therapist 1-on-1 and tell that therapist

When a friend of mine was feeling very insecure in her relationship, she upped the domestic work. He continued to drag his feet on marriage and barely noticed the work she was doing. I told her that there’s no such thing as wife auditions, and even if there were, doing his laundry isn’t the thing to “prove" she's the

My girlfriends thought I was crazy, but this is why I never, ever cooked for men I dated. I didn’t want to start those expectations. I never did vacuumed or did laundry or whatever at a house I didn’t live in for clothes that weren't mine. I always made sure to keep domestic duties separate.

Oh well then I guess she won’t mind giving back her TOTALLY UNDESERVED OSCAR THAT HARVEY FUCKING WEINSTEIN GOT FOR HER

What a strange, strange take. Camilla has been working on domestic violence and osteoporosis work for decades. Kate has been working on early years for at least five years. The Royal Foundation of Prince William and Price Harry was her idea. I’m very glad that Harry and Meghan are happy and rich, and I’m glad they

No, it’s not safe to say because the Cult of Diana lives on but I agree. She was  so fucking whiny and basically a bottomless pit of neediness and attention-seeking. I’m sure a lot of it was rooted in her childhood and upbringing so technically not her fault but she was still a pain in the ass. 

The best way to rehabilitate things would be to play up the romantic angle. Camilla and Charles were clearly in a lasting love in a way most of us would kill to have, and even after the “marriage for the public” to Diana, the heart wanted what the heart wanted.

Who died and made you king?

Is it safe to come out and say that Diana was a whiny pain in the ass? None of the “royals” are particularly sympathetic - even poor, wimpy Charles matured into a clueless dick - but her endless moping litany of “nobody gave me any love/hugs/credit/support” kind of grates on any feelings of sympathy.

“Camilla had joined “a video call with staff and formerly homeless residents of Emmaus discuss the challenges faced by the charity as a result of the coronavirus crisis”” - the monster!

Yeah. I see a lot of people justifying sending death threats to an elderly woman because the family she married into have profited from colonialism and plundering other nations.

Some further context: I just had a gander at the linked story. The tweet they controlled the comments on was one in which they announced that Camilla had joined “a video call with staff and formerly homeless residents of Emmaus discuss the challenges faced by the charity as a result of the coronavirus

For context here: the ‘scrutiny’ that the ‘pissbaby’ is ‘running’ from is that Camilla’s been receiving death threats, as well a great deal of (relatively) less serious harrassment.

Who are all these people who have nothing better to do than cyberbully an elderly couple over something they did decades ago? Go read a book or something.

There’s so much to unpack when it comes to Americans deciding that other countries should overthrow their governments because we somehow know what’s best for the people of another nation? That’s just a new brand of colonialism, and it’s gross.

It reminds me of gatekeeping I’ve seen that stated that only WOC have curly hair, which is just.. incorrect. 

This whole article is cringey, mean spirited and poorly informed. You don’t need to “hope” that they froze rent. You can read the article written by one of your colleagues which explicitly says they did.

Except these protestors were by all accounts peaceful until the police suddenly went after them. Nice try, but nobody is going to buy what you are selling, "democrat".

The family didn’t ask them to jump right in. William and Kate, future king and queen, took a 3 years easing-in period while they were newlyweds and the Queen was supportive. Meghan and Harry were the ones who famously said they were going to hit the ground running.
As for the use of “royal” in their marketing, the

Thanks for the clarification. My wording was wrong, but I still kind of feel like if you’re not going to play by the rules you don’t get to have the soft perks.