Fried foods will kill you.
Fried foods will kill you.
Fried foods will kill you.
Fried foods will kill you.
I bought Breyer’s “Double Churn” no-sugar-added ice cream.
In further support of your Asshole Theory, “Mast” in German is the process of industrial meat producers to fatten up cows, pigs, etc.
...your undies will perish from the assault.
There would have been enough malitol/sorbitol in the reduced sugar versions to make 50 bears shit in the woods. Audibly.
Right. It didn’t quite fly under the original name, “Caca.” (Oh....)
Schadenfreude Christmas....
It’s people like you who give couponing a good name. Damn.
Fuckton = $20
The stuff is expensive, though, at least the good stuff. But you could always go naked and spray paint on your favorite look.
Hmm. I’d have to give him Glaskrug but that’s about it.
Did you have a Little Mermaid dirndl?
Those are good insights. Hard to imagine no fights in the US with so many people drinking beer in one place in a big city.
I think the behaviors, not to mention the countless number of photographs of this woman, (who is supposedly working her ass off for various causes 24/7), pretty much answers the question: Naricissistic/histrionic personality disorder. Charming, cagey, intelligent manipulative, with a completely distorted self-image.
So what do you turn to when you want a good Hefeweizen?
Bingo x2.