
As of this week, the budget of the CDC has been slashed by 80% (in the middle of a flu epidemic, not that any time is a good time), so it’s unlikely there’ll be much going on there to administer.

How not to manage a public health crisis (opioids): appoint a political flack Kellyanne Conway) to run it and the son of a political pal - who evidently majored in Golf at university, not public policy - as her deputy (Andrew Giuliani).

On a quick glance :“double CHUM”. Fish bait ice cream. hahaha.

Yes, it is offside, I’m American.

You'll see yourself out? :)

+1 Olestra!!! Oy vey iz meyn tuches

I remember eating mints with sorbitol when they first came out/were approved. Let’s put it this way, I was able to re-zip my “Farley” jeans without laying down on the bed and struggling for the next few days.

Tweet ghostwritten by former Blatter staffer.

Of course, Peter, carrots belong in chili dogs and Cincinnati plates (& Cleveland steamers, dirty Sanchezers, and ginger trombones, too).

That’s awesome - too bad the show didn’t profile more people like you! :)

Word. I bet homegirl would be surprised to discover that people her age (gasp!) in LA (gasp!) use coupons too. Sometimes, saving $20 on your grocery bill helps a fuckton.

See, this is why I only eat the artisanal, small batch, bean to bar chocolate made by the Snickers family.

That’s awesome. Love that you are putting the idea to good use.

You’re doing it right. Thank you.

That’s exactly why I got into couponing. My husband and I have never had loads of excess cash. We’ve never truly been hungry, but there are only so many bologna sandwiches and bowls of ramen a person can stand. It also felt really good to be able to feed us and still have extra cans to donate to the food pantry within

I am a couponer. I don’t like the term “extreme couponer” because (with a few exceptions) I don’t buy in mass quantities. Those things that I do buy in mass quantities I give directly to my local church or food bank. This weekend I bought 40 tubes of toothpaste. I bought them because I could get all 40 for $1. I took

Yep, that’s perfect timing.