
That up-front cost would add to the value of your home as well as be amortized over the lives of any and all future EVs you had, not just the first, so boiling it down to the 161,550 miles driven requirement isn’t the full picture.  (Not to mention the not-burning-gas-anymore part, but I appreciate that this is

Engineering Explained went over this. IIRC the conclusion is always an EV will cut emissions within just a couple years vs even “your existing” ICE vehicle.

environmental/econonic/social impact of rolling blackouts due to insufficient power to charge vehicles

You say you honestly want to know, however, it seems like you really just want to nitpick numbers that are spoon fed to you that support your current mindset. The truth is that you’re asking for answers that can’t reasonably reported accurately because there isn’t an accurate way to measure the “social impact of the

I honestly want to know

Yes, we should be moving to more mass transit and less commuting. We should strive for walkable cities and other programs that reduce our use of individual vehicles.

I bought a new Xterra Pro4X with manual in 2013; it was a great vehicle.  Just got pathetic gas mileage.  16mpg even if you drove like Grandma.

> Buyers at West Point Lincoln in Houston, Texas can lease a 2023 Nautilus for $199/month at 0.9 percent APR for 24 months with $6,452 down

1: Given the weird (undeserved) hype, not sure there were many unsold ones.

Private property should be totally different than public transportation. The government should have no right to prohibit people from using public transportation unless the consent to warrentless searches.

The courts were ok with absolutely anything post-911.

A publicly funded service that many people use to get to work?

Hochul has admitted that subway riders can refuse to be searched under the Fourth Amendment but added that those who refuse can be turned away from the system.

It’d make sense to just stick with their not-bad naming scheme, even if an R2T never came about.

Weird that they abandoned their barely established naming convention.  I feel like this should be named the R2S.  

Given that EVs seem be on a downward swing in popularity at the moment

So you’re telling me that the typical driver would actually choose the slower car, if everything else about them is exactly the same?  Nah, they wouldn’t.  Some might, but most wouldn’t.

I don’t think it actually needs to be quicker, but my point is when the competition is quicker for cheaper (or same price) it seems to be natural to ask why this isn’t.

When the competition is doing it quicker, for cheaper (or similar) then yeah, it’s worth complaining about.  You’ve got to be able to justify the price somehow.

Even a non-marked up Blazer EV is too expensive.